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Parliament confirmed its agreement with EU governments on postponing adoption of sector-specific sustainability reporting standards for EU companies and general ones for non-EU companies.

On Tuesday, the Legal Affairs Committee approved a bill, agreed with EU governments, requiring firms to mitigate their negative impact on human rights and the environment.

In a vote on Thursday, MEPs adopted modernised EU design protection rules ready for technological progress and sustainable economy.

On Wednesday, Parliament and Council negotiators agreed on new rules extending the use of digital tools in company law.

MEPs support creation of the European legal status for associations to facilitate their cross-border mobility, activities and access to funding.

On Wednesday, Parliament adopted its first reading position on the new crisis rules ensuring EU´s access to key patented products in times of crises.

Poslanci v utorok prijali nové pravidlá EÚ na ochranu spotrebiteľov s cieľom lepšie reagovať na rast online nakupovania, moderné technológie a prechod na obehové hospodárstvo.

V utorok Parlament schválil nové pravidlá týkajúce sa trestných činov proti životnému prostrediu a súvisiacich sankcií.

Parlament v utorok potvrdil, že chce chrániť novinárov, aktivistov a akademikov a ich organizácie pred zastrašujúcimi žalobami, ktoré sa ich snažia umlčať.

Lead MEP Lara Wolters (S&D, NL) will update journalists on the status of the new rules for corporate sustainability through due diligence following the Coreper vote.