
Odbor lahko organizira predstavitve s strokovnjaki, če so potrebne za delo odbora v zvezi z določeno temo. Predstavitve lahko skupaj pripravita dva ali več odborov. Večina odborov organizira redne predstavitve, saj na njih lahko prisluhnejo strokovnjakom in z njimi razpravljajo o pomembnih vprašanjih. Na tej strani so vse razpoložljive informacije o predstavitvah v odborih, tudi programi in prispevki sodelujočih.

Vegan Plant based fish and seafood imitations

The Committee on Fisheries held a public hearing entitled "Improving the Labelling Legislation of Vegetarian and Vegan Imitations of Fish Products". As consumer interest for vegetarian and vegan options continues to rise, ensuring accurate and transparent labelling is essential for consumer trust and informed choices. This panel discussion aims to address the regulatory framework surrounding the labelling of plant-based substitutes of fish products and its impacts on the fisheries sector.

Small fishing boat at the sunrise with a foggy city in the background

The objective of this hearing is to listen to various stakeholders on the way to overcome existing regulatory and technical obstacles to provide attractive operational solutions to the fisheries sector, while supporting the transition towards decarbonisation.

A summer rural landscape, hanging drying fishing nets in the fresh air on the shore of the lake

The objective of this hearing is to listen to various stakeholders on what is important to them when it comes to fisheries and aquaculture in rural areas.

Two eels forming the symbol of paragraph

The hearing provided evidence and guidance for better implementation of the Eel Regulation. European eel is a migratory species with a unique life cycle. Between their spawning phase and pre-reproductive stage, European eel migrate from the Northwest Atlantic to the coasts of their distribution range and continental waters. European eels are declining globally due to a combination of natural causes and human activity that impact the stock and its habitats at different life stages.

Fishing seiner surrounded by seagulls returning after the catch at sunrise

The Commission recently proposed a controversial "action plan" to conserve fisheries resources and protect marine ecosystems, along with other initiatives implementing the European Green Deal. Considering its potential impact on fishing activities and the many challenges the fisheries sector is facing right now, notably the rise in fuel price, we need to think in a more focused way about the future of EU fisheries.

Plastic pollution in ocean and fish

On Tuesday 28 March 2023, the Committee on Fisheries held a public hearing entitled "Marine pollution (in particular plastic pollution) and its impact on fisheries".

Sharks diving on the ocean floor in clear water

On Monday 27 March, the PECH Committee, in association with the ENVI and PETI Committees held a public hearing on the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) "Stop Finning – Stop the Trade".

Baltic sea on map

On 23 January 2023, the Committee on Fisheries held a hearing on the implementation of the State of play of the Multiannual Plan (MAP) for the Baltic Sea, which has been the first MAP adopted back in 2016. Over the past years, fish stocks in the Baltic Sea have been suffering from a number of problems, not all of them related to the fishing effort, but resulting nonetheless in dwindling stocks, in particular for the Baltic Cod.

Gas station at port with a ship in background

The significant increases in energy and fuel prices in 2022 have hit the EU fishing sector hard. Many vessels, in particular from the small-scale fishing fleet, increasingly choose to stay in port, as they simply cannot afford to go out to sea.

Wind turbines in the sea and the fishing boats surrounded by seagulls

The Committee on Fisheries held a public hearing on the "Maritime Spatial Planning Directive and its Implementation and Impact on Fisheries" on 11 July 2022.

Snow-covered mountains and Icebreaker going through the ice of Svalbard

On 14 June 2022, the Committee on Fisheries held a public hearing entitled "Spitsbergen to Brexit: a new paradigm for sustainable fisheries management in the NE-Atlantic & Arctic". In a post-Brexit world, time is ripe to examine fishing agreements in the Arctic region.

Cormorant eating a fish

In many European regions, increasing cormorant populations (Phalacrocorax carbo) are putting pressure on fisheries, aquaculture and biodiversity with heavy economic and social impacts for fishers and fish farmers.