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Presentation and competencies

The European Parliament's delegation for relations with Switzerland was established in 1981, with Iceland in 1987 and with Norway in 1982. The interparliamentary delegations meet usually once a year.
The EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee was established in 2010, following the opening of EU accession negotiations with Iceland in July 2010. Members of EP delegation to this JPC are drawn from the SINEEA delegation. It replaces the EU-Iceland interparliamentary delegation and, as a JPC, meets twice a year.
The SINEEA delegation is also responsible for the European Parliament's relations to the Nordic Council, to the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region and to the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference and has permanent seats in these assemblies.
The delegation is also responsible for the relations to the West Nordic Council (The Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland. It meets with the West Nordic Council once a year on the basis of an interparliamentary delegation.
The European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (EEA JPC) was established in January 1994 in order to contribute, through dialogue and debate, to a better understanding between the EU and the EFTA States and to ensure democratic control in the fields covered by the EEA Agreement. The JPC expresses its views in form of resolutions addressed to the EEA institutions, to the European Parliament and to the parliaments of Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. The EEA JPC is composed by an equal number of members of the European Parliament and of the parliaments of Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Members of the Swiss Assembly participate in the meetings as observers. The JPC is meeting twice a year.