Palavras de boas vindas

Bem-vindo(a) ao sítio Web da Delegação do Parlamento Europeu à Assembleia Parlamentar Euro-Latino-Americana.

Sou Javi López, deputado ao Parlamento Europeu e, desde setembro de 2019, Presidente da componente europeia da Assembleia.

Assente numa relação parlamentar de longa data e em interesses e valores comuns, o diálogo político entre a União Europeia e a América Latina ganhou um novo sentido nos últimos anos, num contexto de concorrência entre grandes potências. Esperamos, com o nosso trabalho, continuar a reforçar um vasto leque de relações políticas, comerciais e culturais.

A Europa e a América Latina enfrentam desafios comuns, como a defesa global de uma ordem multilateral baseada no diálogo e nas regras, a consecução de um crescimento económico verdadeiramente inclusivo que permita reduzir as desigualdades, a luta contra as alterações climáticas - uma ameaça real ao nosso modo de vida -, a consecução dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, o trabalho incessante em favor de uma igualdade de género efetiva, a prossecução de uma globalização justa e o reforço das instituições e das garantias democráticas.

Na Assembleia EuroLat, os 75 deputados ao Parlamento Europeu trabalham conjuntamente com os 75 deputados latino-americanos dos parlamentos regionais para conferir uma dimensão parlamentar à Parceria Estratégica Birregional UE-ALC e para debater, monitorizar e rever todas estas questões e outros assuntos pertinentes para os cidadãos da União Europeia, da América Latina e das Caraíbas.

É uma honra e um orgulho trabalhar com colegas de ambos os lados do Atlântico empenhados em promover as relações birregionais e em completar a tão necessária transição da amizade para a aliança entre os nossos continentes.

Javi López


DLAT Meeting of 7 March 2024

12-04-2024 - 10:35
DLAT Meeting with Bernard Quintin © European Parliament 2024

The meeting of the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT) took place on 7 March 2024 in Brussels. The meeting included an exchange of views on EU-CELAC relations and the activities with Latin America planned under the Belgian presidency of the Council, with the participation of Bernard Quintin, Director General (ad interim) for European Affairs, Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs, External Trade and Development Cooperation.

This was followed by a discussion with researchers from the Elcano Royal Institute on their new report titled 'Why Does Latin America Matter?' that seeks to dismantle existing narratives on Latin America and the Caribbean.

As the last meeting of this legislature, this meeting was an opportunity to take stock of all the work that DLAT has carried out, the main milestones and achievements, and the opportunities for the next mandate.

DLAT Seminar of 25 January 2024

12-04-2024 - 10:34
Seminar with High Representative Josep Borrell and Andrés Allamand, Ibero-American Secretary General on 25 January 2024 © European Parliament (2024)

The IV High Level Seminar, organised by the Euroamerica Foundation together with the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT), took place on 25 January 2024 and focused on the 'Strategic partnership of the European Union with Latin America and the Caribbean to address the digital, green and social transitions.' Experts from European institutions and from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as industry experts from both sides of the Atlantic were analysing the relations between these two regions.

Special opening remarks were delivered by High Representative Josep Borrell, followed by Andrés Allamand, Secretary-General of the Ibero-American General Secretariat.

DLAT item in DEVE/ FEMM Meeting on 24 January 2024

24-01-2024 - 15:42
The Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT) had been associated (jointly with the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) and together with the Delegation to the Caribbean-EU Parliamentary Assembly (DCAB)) to the Exchange of views on Advancing a bi-regional pact for CARE between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), which took place within the Committee on Development (DEVE) on 24 January 2024.

EuroLat meetings of the Standing Parliamentary Committees from 30 Oct - 2 Nov 2023

20-11-2023 - 17:26
Eurolat family photo Meetings of the standing parliamentary committees © European Parliament 2023

The meetings of the Standing Parliamentary Committees of EuroLat took place in the Senate of the Dominican Republic in Santo Domingo from 30 October to 2 November 2023.

The Co-presidents of the EuroLat Assembly, Javi López, president of the Delegation of the European Parliament to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, and Amado Cerrud Acevedo, president of the Latin American component, jointly co-chaired the inaugural session on 31 October, which also featured interventions by Faride Raful, vice president of the Senate; Ricardo De los Santos, president of the Senate; Cristina Reyes, president of Parlandino; Mario Colman, president of Parlasur; Silvia Giacoppo, president of Parlatino; and Raquel Peña, Vice president of the government of the Dominican Republic.

The programme of these Eurolat meetings was made up of its four committees, the Executive Bureau, the Working Group on Food Security, the Meeting with Civil Society and the Euro-Latin American Women's Forum.

The Eurolat meetings were framed under three main axes:

- Migration, a topic of great importance in both regions as evidenced by the situation on the border of the Dominican Republic with Haiti.

- Digital and Educational Alliance, where emphasis is placed on important issues of development for our societies such as digital transformation, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, and where the EU-LAC Digital Alliance launched in Bogotá in March 2023 is valued and the investment agenda planned for the EU-LAC Global Gateway.

- Fight against climate change and its effects, where the EU-LAC Bi-regional Strategic Association can make an important contribution to global cooperation efforts.

The Working Group on food security and combating hunger exchanged views on topics such as 'threats and challenges to food security posed by climate change'.

These meetings also evaluated the European Union's Global Gateway investment programme established for Latin America and the Caribbean, for an amount of up to 45 billion euros until 2027, which is aimed at achieving the triple transition, digital, green and social, as well as the need to create follow-up and monitoring mechanisms when implementing these investment programmes.

Most of the meetings were webstreamed and could be followed live through links on the individual websites.

The programme of the Eurolat-Santo Domingo meeting can be found below.

For the agendas and documents of each of the meetings, please consult their individual pages.

Mesa da Delegação DLAT

10-08-2023 - 15:16
A Mesa da Delegação à Assembleia Parlamentar Euro-Latino-Americana (DLAT) é atualmente constituída pelos seguintes membros:

Presidente: Javi LÓPEZ (S&D, Espanha)

1° Vice-Presidente: Jordi CAÑAS PÉREZ (Renew, Espanha)
2ª Vice-Presidenta: Sandra PEREIRA (The Left, Portugal)
3º vice-Presidente: Hermann TERTSCH (ECR, Espanha)
4º Vice-Presidente: José Manuel GARCÍA-MARGALLO (PPE, Espanha)
5º Vice-Presidente: Nikos PAPANDREOU (S&D, Grécia)
6º Vice-Presidente: Herbert DORFMANN (PPE, Itália)
7ª Vice-Presidenta: Beata MAZUREK (ECR, Polônia)

