
Contributions to plenary debates - 8th parliamentary term Massimo PAOLUCCI

Speeches made during the plenary session and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Rules Rule 204 and 171(11)

Persistent organic pollutants (debate) IT

14-11-2018 P8_CRE-REV(2018)11-14(3-483-0000)

CE marked fertilising products (debate) IT

23-10-2017 P8_CRE-REV(2017)10-23(1-087-0000)

Glyphosate and authorisation procedures (debate) IT

13-06-2017 P8_CRE-REV(2017)06-13(2-493-0000)

Mercury (debate) IT

13-03-2017 P8_CRE-REV(2017)03-13(1-036-0000)

Mid-term review of the Investment Plan (debate) IT

08-06-2016 P8_CRE-REV(2016)06-08(3-086-0000)

Decision adopted on the Circular Economy package (debate) IT

02-12-2015 P8_CRE-REV(2015)12-02(1-092-0000)