
Contributions to plenary debates - 8th parliamentary term Anneliese DODDS

Speeches made during the plenary session and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Rules Rule 204 and 171(11)

2016 Report on Montenegro (debate)

15-03-2017 P8_CRE-REV(2017)03-15(3-608-0000)

Annual report on EU competition policy (debate)

13-02-2017 P8_CRE-REV(2017)02-13(1-160-0000)

Election of the President of Parliament (First ballot)

17-01-2017 P8_CRE-REV(2017)01-17(2-020-0000)

Towards a definitive VAT system and fighting VAT fraud (debate)

23-11-2016 P8_CRE-REV(2016)11-23(3-582-0000)

Green Paper on Retail Financial Services (debate)

21-11-2016 P8_CRE-REV(2016)11-21(1-093-0000)

Rules against certain tax avoidance practices (debate)

07-06-2016 P8_CRE-REV(2016)06-07(2-037-0000)

Decision adopted on public tax transparency (debate)

12-04-2016 P8_CRE-REV(2016)04-12(2-939-0000)

European Semester package - Annual Growth Survey 2016 (debate)

11-11-2015 P8_CRE-REV(2015)11-11(1-089-0000)

Situation in Thailand

08-10-2015 P8_CRE-REV(2015)10-08(4-113-0000)

Decision adopted on the Capital Markets Union package (debate)

07-10-2015 P8_CRE-REV(2015)10-07(3-539-0000)

The death penalty (debate)

06-10-2015 P8_CRE-REV(2015)10-06(2-848-0000)

One-minute speeches on matters of political importance

07-09-2015 P8_CRE-REV(2015)09-07(1-273-000)