Imelda Mary

Contributions to plenary debates - 5th parliamentary term Imelda Mary READ

Speeches made during the plenary session and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Rules Rule 204 and 171(11)

Vote (continuation)

19-11-2003 P5_CRE(2003)11-19(3-123)

Trans-European networks

17-11-2003 P5_CRE(2003)11-17(1-111)

Re-use of public sector documents

24-09-2003 P5_CRE(2003)09-24(3-278)

MODINIS (2003 – 2005)

24-09-2003 P5_CRE(2003)09-24(3-285)

Future of the textile agreement in WTO negotiations

18-06-2003 P5_CRE(2003)06-18(3-104)


12-02-2003 P5_CRE(2003)02-12(3-141)

Information Society eEUROPE 2005

11-02-2003 P5_CRE(2003)02-11(2-302)

Medicinal products

22-10-2002 P5_CRE(2002)10-22(2-009)

Outcome of World Summit on Sustainable Development

25-09-2002 P5_CRE(2002)09-25(3-026)


13-06-2002 P5_CRE(2002)06-13(4-164)

Order of business

08-04-2002 P5_CRE(2002)04-08(1-036)

Electronic communications networks and services

10-12-2001 P5_CRE(2001)12-10(1-105)

Order of business

12-11-2001 P5_CRE(2001)11-12(1-044)

Combating terrorism

19-09-2001 P5_CRE(2001)09-19(3-043)


11-06-2001 P5_CRE(2001)06-11(1-035)

State of the transatlantic dialogue

16-05-2001 P5_CRE(2001)05-16(3-058)