
Motions for resolutions - 5th parliamentary term Myrsini ZORBA

Members can table an individual motion on issues falling within the EU’s sphere of activity. This motion is forwarded to the responsible committee for consideration.Rule 143

PROPOSITION DE RÉSOLUTION Sur la situation en Afghanistan et destruction du patrimoine culturel FR

12-03-2001 B5-0184/2001 PE301.348

ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ ΨΗΦΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ για το πρόσφατο ατύχημα του οχηματαγωγού πλοίου "Σαμίνα". EL

02-10-2000 B5-0783/2000 PE297.019

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION Forest fires in Europe

04-09-2000 B5-0703/2000 PE293.791