Valter FLEGO
Valter FLEGO

Grupo Renew Europe


Croacia - Istarski demokratski sabor - Dieta democratica istriana (Croacia)

Fecha de nacimiento : , Koper

Explicaciones de voto por escrito Valter FLEGO

Todo diputado puede presentar una explicación por escrito sobre su voto en el Pleno. Artículo 194 del Reglamento interno

Examen del uso del programa espía de vigilancia Pegasus y otros programas equivalentes (Recomendación) (B9-0664/2022, B9-0260/2023) EN


I voted for the European Parliament draft recommendation to the Council and the Commission following the investigation of alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware.
Pegasus and similar software pose a destabilising threat to our democracies and the human rights of EU citizens, as it eradicates privacy. Sensitive information in the wrong hands can threaten free elections and bolster the power of governments against democratic opposition.
To effectively deal with those attacks, EU laws need to restrict the use of spyware and the invasive practices of surveillance companies. This will serve to safeguard the privacy of all citizens. For this reason, I am in support of this recommendation.

Día de la Unión Europea por las víctimas de la crisis climática mundial (B9-0296/2023) EN


I voted for the motion for a resolution on a European Day for the victims of the global climate crisis because climate change has and continues to have devastating effects on people and ecosystems.
The effects of climate change have been intensifying over the past years and now we are faced among others with intense heatwaves, wildfires and floods, which have taken a huge human toll.
A global day of awareness would honour these victims and draw attention as to how to prevent and respond to disasters. The victims of climate change deserve our fullest attention and commemoration in the form of a dedicated day, which is why is support this motion.

Adhesión de Ucrania al Convenio de 2 de julio de 2019 sobre el Reconocimiento y la Ejecución de Resoluciones Judiciales Extranjeras en materia Civil o Mercantil (B9-0267/2023) EN


I voted for the motion for a resolution on supporting the accession of Ukraine to the Convention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters.
No fundamental obstacles impairing the independence and efficiency of the judiciary, or which would hinder trade relations between Ukraine and the EU are present. The mutual recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments would mean legal certainty and predictability for both parties.
By accepting the Judgments Convention we further strengthen the relationship between the EU and Ukraine. This is a step towards integrating Ukraine into the European Union, which is why I voted for this motion.

Reconstrucción sostenible e integración de Ucrania en la comunidad euroatlántica (RC-B9-0270/2023, B9-0270/2023, B9-0274/2023, B9-0275/2023, B9-0277/2023, B9-0278/2023, B9-0281/2023) EN


I voted for the joint motion for a resolution on the sustainable reconstruction and integration of Ukraine into the Euro—Atlantic community because it is of the utmost importance to stand with solidarity behind the people of Ukraine and their fight to protect their country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The future of Ukraine lies unquestionably with Europe. This geostrategic shift means that we have to offer financial, technical and political support, for the integration process to be successful. This will not only help Ukraine rebuild but also strengthen the Union as a whole. Ukraine’s integration into NATO and the EU will foster a unified front and strengthen regional security.

Situación en Nicaragua (RC-B9-0272/2023, B9-0272/2023, B9-0273/2023, B9-0279/2023, B9-0280/2023, B9-0283/2023) EN


I voted for the joint motion for a resolution on the situation in Nicaragua because, as part of the European Parliament, I condemn the systematic human rights violations perpetrated by the Nicaraguan regime.
The Ortega and Murillo regime has used incarceration, harassment and intimidation against political opponents to dismantle the democratic guarantees and consolidate power at the government’s top. Under these conditions, any democratic elections are but a fraudulent display of power.
The current situation in Nicaragua does not allow for freedom of expression or the organisation and mobilisation of opposition. We must stand behind civil society, human rights defenders and opposition leaders, which is why I am for this joint motion.

Enseñanzas extraídas del escándalo «Papeles de Pandora» y otras revelaciones (A9-0095/2023 - Niels Fuglsang) EN


I vote for the discharge of the report on lessons learnt from the Pandora Papers and other revelations because I believe them to be an important part of the Union’s efforts to become more transparent and accountable.
The massive data leaks in 2021 also named EU politicians and officials as being involved in aggressive tax planning practices. This has led to a loss of trust and legitimacy between EU citizens and political officials. Now is the time to implement new measures to regain citizens’ trust in the democratic process and the rule of law.
In this context, I stand behind the opinion that Member States need to increase their efforts in preventing tax evasion for high-net-worth individuals. Additionally, it is important to increase the protection of investigative journalists and whistle-blowers, as they are the ones who promote public accountability. The lost revenues should have been used in investments for cleaner energy or public infrastructure for our citizens, so in the future we have to be especially diligent in identifying these nefarious activities.

Implementación y cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (A9-0213/2023 - Udo Bullmann, Petros Kokkalis) EN


I vote for the discharge of the report on the implementation and delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals since I believe that we can only achieve our ambitious sustainability goals if we dedicate more financial resources and show leadership.
We have set for ourselves ambitious development goals and with the increasing rate of extreme poverty and volatile climate conditions, achieving those goals is becoming more vital as we speak.
However, the pace we are currently perusing will not lead to success. Therefore, we need to speed up and show leadership regarding sustainable development on a global level. In terms of governance, there is a need to further involve civil society and advance cooperation with global partner countries.

Acuerdo de Colaboración y Cooperación UE-Tailandia (Resolución) (A9-0193/2023 - Andrey Kovatchev) EN


I vote for the discharge of the recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Thailand, of the other part because I support the strengthening of the mutual engagements in several areas and to address common challenges together. Additionally, this agreement will strengthen the EU’s position in South-East Asia and further the spread of universal democratic values.

Acuerdo de Colaboración y Cooperación UE-Malasia (Resolución) (A9-0194/2023 - Gheorghe-Vlad Nistor) EN


I vote for the discharge of the recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Government of Malaysia, of the other part because it establishes a stronger relationship between the Union and Malaysia. This agreement expands the cooperation of two like-minded partners in a variety of areas and focuses particularly on trade cooperation. This will lay the first stones for the ongoing negotiations on a free trade agreement.

Acuerdo de colaboración en el sector pesquero UE-Mauricio: Protocolo de aplicación del Acuerdo (2022-2026) (A9-0196/2023 - François-Xavier Bellamy) EN


I vote for the discharge of the recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Protocol implementing the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Mauritius (2022-2026) because it will allow the Union to continue its fishery in the Indian Ocean.
Additionally, it will strengthen the relationship between the EU and Mauritius, offering the Union a strategic partner in the region. At the same time, it will promote the sustainable development of the fisheries sector in the region.
I believe that the agreement holds also a tremendous amount of importance because of the EU’s outermost regions and their fishing activities since during the negotiation period their fishing zones are limited. The implementation of this agreement would expand fishing zones and boost the ORs’ economic capabilities.



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