
Kirjalikud selgitused hääletuse kohta - Kaheksanda koosseisu ametiaeg John FLACK

Parlamendiliikmed võivad anda täiskogu hääletuse kohta kirjalikke selgitusi. Kodukorra artikkel 194

Majanduskasvu ja ühtekuuluvuse edendamine ELi piirialadel (A8-0266/2018 - Krzysztof Hetman) EN


John Flack MEP, on behalf of the UK Conservative delegation of the ECR Group.
The UK Conservative delegation of the ECR voted in favour of this report as it provides a valuable insight into the challenges and obstacles faced by internal EU border regions. Moreover, it highlights good practices and success stories as well as the importance of access to public services, and small-scale projects in bringing people together and generating new potential for local development.
Nonetheless, we would like to underline that we do oppose any recommendation of a ‘significantly increased budget’ for European Territorial Cooperation projects. The benefits of these projects require further assessment before such a recommendation could be justified. Furthermore, any suggestion that Member States should consider aligning their legal systems and any forced multilingual approach to administration would unnecessarily trample on the sovereignty of Member States to decide on these issues as they see fit.