
Kirjalikud selgitused hääletuse kohta - Kaheksanda koosseisu ametiaeg Alojz PETERLE

Parlamendiliikmed võivad anda täiskogu hääletuse kohta kirjalikke selgitusi. Kodukorra artikkel 194

Digitaalsete vahendite ja protsesside kasutamine äriühinguõiguses (A8-0422/2018 - Tadeusz Zwiefka) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which will introduce new digital solutions for European companies.

Piiriülesed ümberkujundamised, ühinemised ja jagunemised (A8-0002/2019 - Evelyn Regner) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which will introduce legislation that will allow companies to reap the full benefits of the EU’s single market by introducing comprehensive procedures for cross-border conversions and divisions and provide additional rules on cross-border mergers of limited liability companies established in an EU Member State.

Euroopa Kaitsefond (A8-0412/2018 - Zdzisław Krasnodębski) EN


Fragmentation of the defence sector across national borders causes considerable duplication and inefficiencies preventing economies of scale. At the same time, the cost of defence equipment and in particular R&D have increased, while cooperation between Member States has remained limited. I voted in favour of this report which aims to harmonise European defence systems.

Pandikirjadest tulenevad riskipositsioonid (A8-0384/2018 - Bernd Lucke) EN


I voted in favour of this proposed Directive which defines covered bonds as debt obligations issued by credit institutions and secured against a ring-fenced pool of assets to which bondholders have direct recourse as preferred creditors. The Directive, in continuity with this tradition, only allows credit institutions to issue covered bonds.

Pandikirjad ja pandikirjade avalik järelevalve (A8-0390/2018 - Bernd Lucke) EN


I voted in favour of this proposed Directive, which defines covered bonds as debt obligations issued by credit institutions and secured against a ring-fenced pool of assets to which bondholders have direct recourse as preferred creditors. The Directive, in continuity with this tradition, only allows credit institutions to issue covered bonds.

InvestEU (A8-0482/2018 - José Manuel Fernandes, Roberto Gualtieri) EN


I voted in favour of InvestEU, which is the EU’s new investment instrument for the period 2021-2027. It brings together the multitude of financial programmes currently available and expands the successful model of the investment plan for Europe.

Euroopa merenduse ühtsete kontaktpunktide keskkond (A8-0006/2019 - Deirdre Clune) EN


The purpose of the Commission’s new proposal is to address the current non-harmonised reporting environment for ships in the EU. The proposed new European Maritime Single Window environment is an attempt to combine all of the reporting formalities associated with a port call. The intention is that this will improve interoperability and interconnection between different systems and encourage the most efficient use of data. I voted in favour of the report.

Püsivad orgaanilised saasteained (A8-0336/2018 - Julie Girling) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which approves a Commission legislative proposal for a regulation on persistent organic pollutants.

VKEde kasvuturgude kasutamise edendamine (A8-0437/2018 - Anne Sander) EN


I voted in favour of this proposal which complements a comprehensive series of measures already adopted by the Commission since the launch of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) to improve access to market-based finance for SMEs.

Endokriinfunktsiooni kahjustavaid kemikaale käsitlev põhjalik Euroopa Liidu raamistik (B8-0241/2019) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which introduces a comprehensive European Union framework on endocrine disruptors.

Turujärelevalve ja toodete vastavus (A8-0277/2018 - Nicola Danti) EN


. ‒ This proposal aims at strengthening the compliance and enforcement of EU product rules by offering the right incentives to businesses, intensifying compliance checks as well as promoting closer cooperation among enforcement authorities. The proposal seeks also to foster more cooperation among national market surveillance authorities, but also between national market surveillance authorities, customs authorities and the market players, the introduction of a ‘person responsible for compliance information’ and a new set of powers for market surveillance authorities to access information and inspect, prohibit and impose penalties on non-compliant products. The proposed regulation will also set up a Union Product Compliance Network to help national authorities improve investigations and reinforce inspections of ports and external borders. I voted in favour of the report.

Õigluse ja läbipaistvuse edendamine veebipõhiste vahendusteenuste ärikasutajate jaoks (A8-0444/2018 - Christel Schaldemose) EN


. ‒ The regulation’s proposal aims at improving the functioning of the digital single market to safeguard a fair, predictable, transparent, sustainable and trusted business environment in the online economy for smaller businesses and traders when using online platforms. These new rules will benefit business such as hotels, traders selling online, app developers and other similar companies that rely on search engines for attracting internet traffic to their websites. I voted in favour of the report.

ELi tarbijakaitse-eeskirjade ajakohastamine ja nende täitmise parem tagamine (A8-0029/2019 - Daniel Dalton) EN


. ‒ This proposal updates several legal acts to fine-tune consumer protection provisions to be fit for the digital age and increased cross-border goods and people movement. This report strengthens consumer rights in a number of areas and I voted in favour.

ELi toiduahela riskihindamise läbipaistvus ja kestlikkus (A8-0417/2018 - Pilar Ayuso) EN


This proposal follows the European Citizens Initiative on glyphosate, and specifically the concerns voiced regarding the studies to be used in the evaluation of pesticides. With this proposal, the commission proposes to strengthen transparency in the risk assessment process and provide additional guarantees in terms of reliability objectivity and independent of studies used by EPSA in risk assessments.

Ühenduse rände- ja rahvusvahelise kaitse statistika (A8-0395/2018 - Cecilia Wikström) EN


I voted in favour of this regulation, which aims to revise and complete the legal basis for existing data collections of European statistics on migration and international protection already conducted by most national authorities, while providing the necessary flexibility to adapt to future data needs. Further data on several new types of migration and migrants are needed, and they have to be more precise, more frequent and timely. There is a clear need to make sure that voluntary national transmissions of data are more complete and reliable.

ELi ühinemine päritolunimetusi ja geograafilisi tähiseid käsitleva kokkuleppe Genfi redaktsiooniga (A8-0187/2019 - Virginie Rozière) EN


I voted in favour of this report, whereby the European Parliament gives its consent to EU accession to the Geneva Act, enabling the EU to fully exercise its exclusive competence in relation to common commercial policy.

Liidu tegevus pärast ühinemist päritolunimetusi ja geograafilisi tähiseid käsitleva Lissaboni kokkuleppe Genfi redaktsiooniga (A8-0036/2019 - Virginie Rozière) EN


I voted in favour of this report whereby the European Parliament gives its consent to the EUʼs accession to the Geneva Act, enabling the EU to fully exercise its exclusive competence in relation to common commercial policy.

ELi ja Filipiinide vaheline teatavaid lennundusküsimusi käsitlev leping (A8-0191/2019 - Jozo Radoš) EN


This agreement gives all EU air carriers non—discriminatory access to routes between the EU and the Philippines, thus bringing bilateral air services agreements between Member States and third countries into line with Union law.

Rahvusvaheline oliiviõli- ja lauaoliivileping (A8-0186/2019 - Eleonora Forenza) EN


The agreement establishes a decision-making body, called the Council of Members, which exercises all the powers, and performs all the functions, necessary to achieve the objectives of the agreement. This agreement enables the Council of Members to amend the definitions of oils and table olives accordingly. I voted in favour of this report.

Liidu õiguse rikkumistest teatavate isikute kaitse (A8-0398/2018 - Virginie Rozière) EN


I voted in favour of this report. The report reflects the EPP’s position with regard to the hierarchy of reporting channels, the material scope of the directive, the personal scope, and the clarification that the directive will not affect the responsibility of Member States to ensure national security and their power to protect their essential security interests. This report sets out a set of common minimum standards providing for robust protection against retaliation for whistle-blowers reporting on breaches of EU law in specific policy areas where there is a need to strengthen enforcement and breaches may result in serious harm to public interest.