van der LAAN

Raportid – raportöörina - Viies ametiaeg Lousewies van der LAAN

Vastutav parlamendikomisjon nimetab raportööri, kes koostab raporti seadusandliku, eelarvealase või muid küsimusi käsitleva ettepaneku kohta. Raporti koostamisel võib raportöör konsulteerida valdkonna ekspertide ja sidusrühmadega. Raportöör vastutab ka kompromissmuudatusettepanekute koostamise ja variraportööridega läbirääkimiste pidamise eest. Komisjonis vastu võetud raporteid arutatakse ja hääletatakse täiskogul. Kodukorra artikkel 55

Report 1. concerning discharge to the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin for the 1999 financial year (C5-0686/2000-2000/2166 (DEC)) 2. concerning discharge for the European Centre for Vocational Training, Thessaloniki for the 1999 financial year (C5-0687/2000-2000/2165(DEC)) 3. concerning discharge in respect of the implemention of the general budget of the European Union for the 1999 financial year, Section IV - Court of Justice, Section V - Cour of Auditors, Section VI - Part B- Committee of the Regions - (SEC(2000)0539-C5-0312/2000-C5-0617/2000-2000/2156(DEC) 4. on postponement of the decision concerning discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1999 financial year, Section VI - Part A - Economic and Social Committee (SEC(2000)0539-C5-0312/2000-C5-0617/2000-2000/2156(DEC)) - Committee on Budgetary Control EN

23-03-2001 A5-0108/2001 PE294.416 CONT
Lousewies van der LAAN

Report on the Commission report on measures taken in the light of the observations of the European Parliament in its 1997 discharge resolution - Committee on Budgetary Control EN

14-12-2000 A5-0397/2000 PE294.359 CONT
Lousewies van der LAAN

Report on giving discharge to the Commission in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Communities for the 1997 financial year (Section I - Parliament, II - Council, III - Commission, IV - Court of Justice and V - Court of Auditors) - Committee on Budgetary Control EN

12-01-2000 A5-0004/2000 PE232.050 CONT
Lousewies van der LAAN