
Kirjalliset äänestysselitykset - Yhdeksäs vaalikausi Jonathan BULLOCK

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Käynnissä olevat SEU-sopimuksen 7 artiklan 1 kohdan mukaiset Puolaa ja Unkaria koskevat kuulemiset (B9-0032/2020) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this non-legislative resolution. Principally, the Brexit Party opposes the EU’s infringement proceedings against any sovereign nation. We believe that the governments of these nations, which were democratically elected, unlike many EU lawmakers, have the right to enact the policies on which they have been elected. For these reasons, we voted against calls for further hearings with Poland and Hungary.

Euroopan oikeusasiamiehen toiminta vuonna 2018 (A9-0032/2019 - Peter Jahr) EN


Brexit Party MEPs voted to abstain on this non-legislative, non-binding report. The European Ombudsman has done a decent job on investigating issues within the Commission and EU institutions. The report praises the Ombudsman and rightly calls for more transparency within the EU structure.

Niistä perusteista ja menettelyistä, joilla ratkaistaan jäsenvaltiossa tai Islannissa tai Norjassa jätetyn turvapaikkahakemuksen käsittelystä vastuussa oleva valtio, tehtyyn EU:n sekä Islannin ja Norjan väliseen sopimukseen liitettävä, lainvalvontatarkoituksessa Eurodaciin pääsyä koskeva pöytäkirja (A9-0053/2019 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska) EN


. ‒ The Brexit Party have voted to abstain on this legislative report. Whilst we support the principle of cooperation with neighboring countries, particularly when this concerns combatting serious crime and terrorism, we cannot support this being facilitated via the EU. As we believe these agreements should be conducted bilaterally, we abstained on this report.

EU:n ja Kiinan välinen tiettyjä lentoliikenteen näkökohtia koskeva sopimus (A9-0041/2019 - Tomasz Piotr Poręba) EN


Brexit Party MEPs have abstained on this consent vote. This is a technical amendment to bring the agreement in line with EU rules, and therefore we felt it most appropriate to abstain.

Yhteinen arvonlisäverojärjestelmä pienyritysten erityisjärjestelmän osalta (A9-0055/2019 - Inese Vaidere) EN


. ‒ Although the Brexit Party opposes EU tax harmonisation, and does not support EU legislation over the UK, these provisions would reduce the scope of VAT and so we abstained.

Euroopan vihreän kehityksen ohjelma (RC-B9-0040/2020, B9-0040/2020, B9-0041/2020, B9-0042/2020, B9-0043/2020, B9-0044/2020, B9-0045/2020, B9-0046/2020) EN


Brexit Party MEPs voted against this motion for a resolution. We do not support the EU spending trillions of euros and harmonising laws and targets. If Member States wish to achieve climate objectives, it should be on their own terms and not the EU’s. Brexit Party MEPs voted on a number of amendments in order to reduce the extent of targets and increases in EU legislation.

Erosopimuksen kansalaisten oikeuksia koskevien määräysten täytäntöönpano ja seuranta (B9-0031/2020) EN


The Resolution regrets the loss of freedom of movement and seeks to reverse the burden of proof for settled status, accordingly the Brexit Party voted against.

Vuosikertomus ihmisoikeuksista ja demokratiasta maailmassa 2018 ja Euroopan unionin toiminnasta tällä alalla (A9-0051/2019 - Isabel Wiseler-Lima) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this non-legislative report. Whilst we respect the importance of the human rights issues raised within this report we are opposed to the European Union becoming involved. We are firmly opposed to the increasing use of serious human rights issue abroad as justification for the enhancement of the EU’s foreign policy apparatus.

Vuosittainen kertomus yhteisen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikan täytäntöönpanosta (A9-0054/2019 - David McAllister) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this non-legislative report. We are opposed to the development of the EU’s strategic autonomy and the further transfer of foreign policy decision making to the EU level.

Vuosittainen kertomus yhteisen turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikan täytäntöönpanosta (A9-0052/2019 - Arnaud Danjean) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this non-legislative report. We are opposed to the development of the European Defence Union. Defence of the realm is fundamental to nation-state sovereignty and should remain the responsibility of the member-states.

Euroopan parlamentin kanta Euroopan tulevaisuutta käsittelevään konferenssiin (B9-0036/2020, B9-0037/2020, B9-0038/2020) EN


The Brexit Party MEPs abstained on this non-legislative, non-binding resolution. While there were elements in this report we opposed such as calling for transnational lists for EU elections, along with our concern this conference will just be an echo chamber for EU elites to convince themselves there needs to be greater centralisation of powers and spending of money at EU level, as the UK is leaving it was not our place to be part of those discussions.

EU:n ja Yhdysvaltojen välinen sopimus korkealaatuisen naudanlihan tuontitariffikiintiön osuuden myöntämisestä (suositus) (A9-0038/2019 - Bernd Lange) EN


Brexit Party MEPs abstained on this legislative consent procedure proposal. The EU bans beef being imported from the USA, which has been treated with hormones, but allows a quota of non-hormone treated beef form the USA being imported. This has been a long standing trade dispute which has led to tariffs and counter measures between the two parties for decades. This proposal is a final agreement between the EU & USA, which will maintain the EU ban on hormone treated beef imports, but will give the USA a greater share of the non-hormone treated beef imports. This will mean there will be a reduction of beef imports to the EU from Australia, Uruguay and Argentina. While we don’t want to legitimise the EU negotiating the UKs trade policy, it is up to the EU to decide their own tariffs once we finally leave.

EU:n ja Yhdysvaltojen välinen sopimus korkealaatuisen naudanlihan tuontitariffikiintiön osuuden myöntämisestä (päätöslauselma) (A9-0037/2019 - Bernd Lange) EN


Brexit Party MEPs voted against this non-legislative resolution. The EU bans the import of beef from the USA which has been treated with hormones, but allows a quota of non-hormone-treated beef from the USA to be imported. This has been a long-standing trade dispute which has led to tariffs and countermeasures between the two parties for decades. This non-binding resolution is attached to a previous vote on the same issue. We opposed this resolution as it seeks to politicalise trade and calls on the EU to take more action in the world.

Bolivian tilanne (RC-B9-0187/2019, B9-0187/2019, B9-0188/2019, B9-0189/2019, B9-0190/2019, B9-0191/2019, B9-0192/2019) EN


The Brexit Party abstained on this non-legislative resolution. We reject the development of an EU foreign policy and attempted interference by the European Union abroad and within third states. Specifically on the judgement of whether or not the ending of President Morales’ term constitutes a coup d’état is a political judgement, one which the EU should not be making. We remain concerned by ongoing reports of breaches of human rights and welcome steps towards the return of Bolivia to a fully functioning democracy with free and fair elections.

Ilmasto- ja ympäristökriisi (RC-B9-0209/2019, B9-0209/2019, B9-0211/2019, B9-0212/2019, B9-0215/2019, B9-0216/2019, B9-0218/2019, B9-0220/2019) EN


Brexit Party MEPs have voted against this non-legislative motion for a resolution. We believe that calls for a ‘climate emergency’ are fearmongering and that any climate action should be based on science. Additionally, we reject any calls for EU action and spending in this area as Member States are sovereign and should decide on such action themselves.

YK:n ilmastokokous 2019 (COP 25) (B9-0174/2019) EN


Brexit Party MEPs voted against this non-legislative motion for a resolution. We believe that any climate change action should be based on scientific research and not fear mongering; moreover this is something that should be a Member State’s prerogative, rather than directed by EU action. We have voted against many of the unachievable targets set out in the amendments, as well as calls for further EU action.

EU:n liittyminen Istanbulin yleissopimukseen ja muut toimenpiteet sukupuoleen perustuvan väkivallan torjumiseksi (B9-0224/2019, B9-0225/2019, B9-0226/2019) EN


Brexit Party MEPs abstained on this non-legislative resolution. The Istanbul Convention itself is a (non-EU) international agreement to combat gender violence. It contains a number of different elements including creating criminal offences, ensuring there are national helplines, ensuring there are shelters available for people who suffer domestic abuse, etc. The UK is already in the process of ratifying this convention and in most cases has laws that go beyond the requirements. While the Brexit Party of course welcomes moves to tackle these issues internationally, we cannot legitimise and support the calls for the EU to take action at international level.

Venäjän liittovaltion äskettäiset toimet Vilnassa 13. tammikuuta 1991 tapahtuneiden traagisten tapahtumien tutkimiseen osallistuneita liettualaisia tuomareita, syyttäjiä ja tutkijoita vastaan (RC-B9-0182/2019, B9-0182/2019, B9-0183/2019, B9-0184/2019, B9-0185/2019, B9-0186/2019) EN


. ‒ Brexit Party MEPs abstained on this non-legislative resolution. Brexit Party MEPs strongly oppose any misuse of international legal instruments for political purposes. Whilst we express sympathy with the escalating political situation in Lithuania, we cannot support a resolution that instructs Member States on how to conduct their relations with third countries. For this reason primarily, we abstained on this resolution.

WTO:n valituselimen kriisi (B9-0181/2019) EN


Brexit Party MEPs abstained on this is a non-legislative, non-binding resolution which provides commentary on the WTO Appellate issue. The WTO Appellate Body is a dispute resolution mechanism at the WTO. The issue is that the USA has been blocking the replacement of any of the seven members of the Appellate body and rejected attempts to launch a selection procedure. On 10th December the mandates of two of the three remaining Appellate Body members will expire, so will no longer become quorate. Negotiations to resolve this have failed so far. While we would like a solution to this problem, one of the paragraphs calls on the Commission to enter negotiations.

EU:n ja AKT-maiden uudesta kumppanuussopimuksesta käytävät neuvottelut (B9-0175/2019) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this non-legislative resolution. We reject the development of the EU’s foreign policy and the signing of such agreements. In signing such agreements the EU is taking on aspects of statehood which we cannot support.