Baroness Nosheena MOBARIK
Baroness Nosheena MOBARIK
Ujedinjena Kraljevina

Datum rođenja : , Man Chunnu

9. parlamentarni saziv Baroness Nosheena MOBARIK

Klubovi zastupnika

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Europski konzervativci i reformisti - Članica

Nacionalne stranke

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Conservative Party (Ujedinjena Kraljevina)


  • 26-09-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Izaslanstvo za odnose s državama južne Azije


  • 02-07-2019 / 25-09-2019 : Izaslanstvo za odnose s državama južne Azije
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Odbor za ribarstvo
  • 26-09-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Konferencija predsjednika izaslanstava


  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Odbor za međunarodnu trgovinu
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Odbor za kulturu i obrazovanje

Glavne parlamentarne aktivnosti

Sudjelovanje u raspravama na plenarnoj sjednici

Govori s plenarnih sjednica i pisane izjave koje se odnose na plenarne rasprave. Članak 204. i članak 171. stavak 11. Poslovnika

Izvješće/Izvješća ‒ u svojstvu izvjestitelja u sjeni

Klubovi zastupnika u nadležnim odborima za svako izvješće imenuju izvjestitelja u sjeni koji prati napredak rada i s izvjestiteljem pregovara o kompromisnim tekstovima. Članak 215 Poslovnika

Druge parlamentarne aktivnosti

Obrazloženja glasovanja (napisan.)

Zastupnici mogu podnijeti pisana obrazloženja glasovanja na plenarnoj sjednici. Članak 194. Poslovnika

Mjere za ublažavanje posljedica presude WTO-a o sporu o Airbusu na europsku poljoprivredu (RC-B9-0197/2019, B9-0197/2019, B9-0198/2019, B9-0201/2019, B9-0203/2019, B9-0204/2019, B9-0206/2019, B9-0208/2019) EN


. – The UK is among the countries most affected by the countermeasures imposed by the US in response to the WTO Airbus ruling. I am particularly concerned about the impact on the Scotch whisky industry, which faces 25% tariffs through no fault of its own. This has an unacceptable impact on jobs, certainty, trade and investment in the sector. I was therefore keen to see a resolution which focused on the importance of a negotiated settlement to avoid endless retaliatory measures by the EU and the US which help no one. However, unfortunately, the resolution adopted today takes a rather short-term view and I could not therefore support it. It focuses on compensation by means of budget increases and promotional activities and blames the US for the current situation, rather than addressing the root cause of the problems. The only way to solve this is to enhance diplomacy between both jurisdictions to de-escalate tensions so that a solution can be found. EU institutions and governments should better understand the negative impact of protectionism and tariffs on businesses and constituents before making impulsive decisions. I hope that a solution will be found soon so that the EU and US can move on with confidence.


Zastupnik je potpisao sve izjave u nastavku, čak i ako potpis nije vidljiv na internetskom primjerku.