Josianne CUTAJAR
Josianne CUTAJAR

Klub zastupnika Progresivnog saveza socijalista i demokrata u Europskom parlamentu


Malta - Partit Laburista (Malta)

Datum rođenja : , Victoria

Obrazloženja glasovanja (napisan.) Josianne CUTAJAR

Zastupnici mogu podnijeti pisana obrazloženja glasovanja na plenarnoj sjednici. Članak 194. Poslovnika

Poboljšanje zaštite Unije od manipulacije tržištem na veleprodajnom tržištu energije (A9-0261/2023 - Maria da Graça Carvalho) EN


I supported this report aiming to improve the Union’s protection against market manipulation in the wholesale energy market, which is very timely in the context of the energy crisis and the geopolitical landscape that we are facing. Indeed, more than ever we cannot tolerate malpractices that could undermine the stability of the EU energy markets. To ensure this, the proposal contains numerous measures aimed at increasing legal coherence and transparency, strengthening the European dimension and consolidating the market.

Europski okvir za digitalni identitet (A9-0038/2023 - Romana Jerković) EN


I voted in favour of this report establishing a framework for a European digital identity, as I believe it could be of great benefit to our European citizens. As our world becomes increasingly connected, having cross-border digital access to key public services could help to streamline our citizens’ administrative procedures and digital exchanges. I particularly welcome the guarantees introduced to ensure that the new European wallet is secure and does not jeopardize users’ privacy. Another very important requirement, which was well integrated into the final text, was that the EU wallet must remain on a voluntary basis and not replace offline services.

Potreba za nepokolebljivom potporom EU-a Ukrajini dvije godine nakon početka ruske ratne agresije (RC-B9-0143/2024) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution on the need for continued EU support for Ukraine as I remain steadfast in my belief that every state has the right to defend itself in the face of an illegal war of aggression. However, I did diverge on specific votes on increased defence spending, which should not come at the cost of cutting vital socially-oriented programmes and should not prejudice the constitutional neutrality of countries like Malta.

Produbljenje integracije EU-a s obzirom na buduće proširenje (A9-0015/2024 - Petras Auštrevičius, Pedro Silva Pereira) EN


The report makes a number of strong points such as on the importance of the principle of merit-based enlargement, and on the need to look at the functioning of the EU in a holistic way to facilitate the accession of new Member States. However, I have fundamental reservations on parts of this resolution, especially on the call to ‘overcome’ unanimous decision-making. I therefore abstained on this report.

Uspostava Platforme za strateške tehnologije za Europu („STEP”) (A9-0290/2023 - José Manuel Fernandes, Christian Ehler) EN


I voted in favour of the provisional agreement on the establishment of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform, as it will contribute to the financing of innovative technologies crucial to achieve a more sustainable future. It is, however, regrettable that the compromise reached is limited in scope and I thus look forward to the guidelines to be published by the Commission, in the hope that they will reflect the reality in all Member States in a way that they could all benefit from this important instrument.

Obnova prirode (A9-0220/2023 - César Luena) EN


I supported the provisional agreement on the landmark Nature Restoration Law, as it is an important step towards better management of our environmental biodiversity. We need to take the biodiversity crisis as seriously as the climate crisis, and this law, based on solid scientific evidence, will help us do so.

Izmjena Odluke (EU) 2017/1324: nastavak sudjelovanja Unije u Partnerstvu za istraživanja i inovacije na mediteranskom području (PRIMA) u okviru programa Obzor Europa (A9-0378/2023 - Paolo Borchia) EN


I support this decision to continue the EU’s participation in the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) as it is indeed a prime example of the kind of cooperation that is sorely needed in an increasingly geo-politically volatile and ecologically fragile region. Covering themes such as agricultural development and water management, PRIMA is a solid step towards a more climate-resilient Mediterranean basin.

Biljke dobivene određenim novim genomskim tehnikama te hrana i hrana za životinje od njih (A9-0014/2024 - Jessica Polfjärd) EN


I voted in favour of this report, as I believe that new genomic technologies have the potential of becoming a valuable tool for our farmers. Nevertheless, I regret that some important amendments which were promoting important coexistence measures, protection of organic farming and the opt-out option of NGT cultivation for Member States, were rejected in plenary. I hope that the future negotiations will lead to a safe use of new genomic techniques, finding the right balance between innovation as well as human and environmental safety, based on science.

Mjere za visoku razinu interoperabilnosti javnog sektora u Uniji (Akt o interoperabilnoj Europi) (A9-0254/2023 - Ivars Ijabs) EN


I voted in favour of this provisional agreement, which I contributed to as shadow rapporteur, and which confirms greater interoperability and a strengthened digital future for our public administrations within the EU with a focus on achieving more efficient and cost-effective public services across the EU. The Act focuses on reducing administrative burdens, ensuring equal access, and enhancing the skills of public sector workers. This means that European citizens, public sector workers, businesses, and SMEs will now rely on public services with more confidence, whilst aligning further with the Digital Decade programme’s targets. This Act also refers to maintaining offline services for the less digitally skilled, as well as addressing the unique challenges faced by disadvantaged regions like islands, important provisions that I pushed for.

Jačanje položaja potrošača u zelenoj tranziciji (A9-0099/2023 - Biljana Borzan) EN


I voted in favour of this report because I believe it will strengthen consumers’ ability to make informed choices, by improving product labelling and combating greenwashing. To prevent consumers from being misled, we need greater control of sustainability labels and information tools, as well as a ban on generic environmental claims without proof. To improve the sustainability of our goods, the report also draws attention to the harmful effects of early obsolescence, and calls for greater transparency on the durability and reparability of purchased goods. A new, harmonised lifespan label will be highly beneficial for consumers, as most of them are looking for products that last in time.



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