Ujedinjena Kraljevina

9. parlamentarni saziv Jane BROPHY

Klubovi zastupnika

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Klub zastupnika Renew Europe - Članica

Nacionalne stranke

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Liberal Democrats (Ujedinjena Kraljevina)


  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Odbor za zapošljavanje i socijalna pitanja
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Izaslanstvo za odnose sa Saveznom Republikom Brazilom


  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Odbor za okoliš, javno zdravlje i sigurnost hrane
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Izaslanstvo za odnose s Afganistanom

Glavne parlamentarne aktivnosti

Sudjelovanje u raspravama na plenarnoj sjednici

Govori s plenarnih sjednica i pisane izjave koje se odnose na plenarne rasprave. Članak 204. i članak 171. stavak 11. Poslovnika

Izvješće/Izvješća ‒ u svojstvu izvjestitelja u sjeni

Klubovi zastupnika u nadležnim odborima za svako izvješće imenuju izvjestitelja u sjeni koji prati napredak rada i s izvjestiteljem pregovara o kompromisnim tekstovima. Članak 215 Poslovnika

Prijedlog/Prijedlozi rezolucija

Na zahtjev odbora, kluba zastupnika ili najmanje 5 % zastupnika podnose se prijedlozi rezolucija o aktualnim pitanjima o kojima se glasuje na plenarnoj sjednici. Članci 132. , 136. , 139 i 144. Poslovnika

Druge parlamentarne aktivnosti

Obrazloženja glasovanja (napisan.)

Zastupnici mogu podnijeti pisana obrazloženja glasovanja na plenarnoj sjednici. Članak 194. Poslovnika

Sporazum između EU-a i SAD-a o dodjeli udjela u carinskoj kvoti za uvoz visokokvalitetne govedine (preporuka) (A9-0038/2019 - Bernd Lange) EN


In 2009 the EU opened a tariff rate quota of 45,000 tonnes for non-hormone high quality beef as part of the interim solution found with the US on a long standing dispute under the WTO, dating from 1989 when the EU introduced measures against the import of hormone treated beef. The interim agreement was a way to compensate the US for this ban on imports of hormone beef and avoid their intention to raise tariffs on some products due to this dispute. The US has not been satisfied with how the tariff rate quota was implemented under the WTO, so therefore negotiations were opened in October last year and concluded in February this year, resulting in an ear-marked share of 35 000 tonnes for the US. The quota itself has not changed, only the distribution within it. The standards and criteria for imports of non-hormone treated high quality beef stay the same. I voted in favour of consenting to this agreement entering into force. This agreement is a good example of the EU and the US constructively finding a solution to trade disputes.

Sporazum između EU-a i SAD-a o dodjeli udjela u carinskoj kvoti za uvoz visokokvalitetne govedine (rezolucija) (A9-0037/2019 - Bernd Lange) EN


I voted in favour of the adjoining European Parliament Resolution concerning the EU and the US agreement on the Allocation to the United States of a Share in the Tariff Rate Quota for High Quality Beef. I particularly support the paragraph highlighting that the agreement does not affect current levels of market access for beef to the EU market and that the overall EU market access quota of non-hormone-treated beef must not be increased.

Stanje u Boliviji (RC-B9-0187/2019, B9-0187/2019, B9-0188/2019, B9-0189/2019, B9-0190/2019, B9-0191/2019, B9-0192/2019) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution on the situation in Bolivia. The resolution welcomes the approval by both houses of legislation to prepare the next presidential elections. However, the European Parliament emphasises our belief that a return to stability in Bolivia requires a new election as soon as possible. The resolution supports the objective of appointing a new independent Electoral Court to guarantee transparent elections. Furthermore, the resolution calls on the interim authorities to take responsibility for the credibility of the procedure by organising properly conducted and inclusive elections where all political actors have the opportunity to compete in accordance with Bolivian law and the constitutional order. Finally, the resolution denounces the lack of transparency and credibility of the Bolivian authorities and their attempt to commit fraud, thereby undermining the right of Bolivian citizens to freely and democratically elect their President.

Pisana pitanja

Zastupnici smiju uputiti određen broj pitanja za pisani odgovor predsjedniku Europskog vijeća, Vijeću, Komisiji i potpredsjedniku Komisije / visokom predstavniku Unije. Članak 138. Poslovnika, Prilog III. Poslovniku


Zastupnik je potpisao sve izjave u nastavku, čak i ako potpis nije vidljiv na internetskom primjerku.