
Izvješće/Izvješća ‒ u svojstvu izvjestitelja - 5. parlamentarni saziv Guido BODRATO

U nadležnom parlamentarnom odboru imenuje se izvjestitelj koji sastavlja izvješće o zakonodavnim ili proračunskim prijedlozima ili drugim temama. Pri izradi izvješća izvjestitelji se smiju savjetovati s relevantnim stručnjacima i dionicima. Nadležni su i za sastavljanje kompromisnih amandmana i pregovore s izvjestiteljima u sjeni. Izvješća usvojena na razini odbora razmatraju se i o njima se glasuje na plenarnoj sjednici. Članak 55 Poslovnika

Recommendation on the proposal for a Council decision on the position of the European Community on the draft Regulation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both and equipped with filament lamps (5635/99 - COM(1998)0798 - C5-0187/00 - 1998/0363(AVC)) - Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy EN

20-09-2000 A5-0263/2000 PE286.110 ITRE

Recommendation on the proposal for a Council decision on the position of the European Community on the draft Regulation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both and equipped with filament lamps (5634/99 - COM(1998) 0797 - C5-0186/00 - 1999/0001(AVC)) - Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy EN

20-09-2000 A5-0262/2000 PE286.109 ITRE

Recommendation on the proposal for a Council decision on the accession by the European Community to United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulation No 67 on the approval of special equipment for motor vehicles fuelled by liquefied petroleum gas (5991/99 - COM(1999)0014 - C5-0185/00 - 1999/0018(AVC))- Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy EN

20-09-2000 A5-0261/2000 PE286.108 ITRE

Recommandation on the proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of the Agreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles ("Parallel Agreement") - Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy EN

25-11-1999 A5-0079/1999 PE231.702 ITRE