Ujedinjena Kraljevina

Datum rođenja : , Banbridge

8. parlamentarni saziv Diane DODDS

Klubovi zastupnika

  • 01-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Nezavisni zastupnici

Nacionalne stranke

  • 01-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Democratic Unionist Party (Ujedinjena Kraljevina)


  • 01-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Odbor za poljoprivredu i ruralni razvoj
  • 14-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Izaslanstvo za odnose s Kanadom
  • 24-11-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Odbor za ribarstvo
  • 19-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Odbor za poljoprivredu i ruralni razvoj
  • 19-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Odbor za ribarstvo


  • 01-07-2014 / 23-11-2014 : Odbor za ribarstvo
  • 14-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Izaslanstvo za odnose s Narodnom Republikom Kinom
  • 26-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Odbor za ustavna pitanja

Glavne parlamentarne aktivnosti

Sudjelovanje u raspravama na plenarnoj sjednici

Govori s plenarnih sjednica i pisane izjave koje se odnose na plenarne rasprave. Članak 204. i članak 171. stavak 11. Poslovnika

Izvješće/Izvješća ‒ u svojstvu izvjestitelja

U nadležnom parlamentarnom odboru imenuje se izvjestitelj koji sastavlja izvješće o zakonodavnim ili proračunskim prijedlozima ili drugim temama. Pri izradi izvješća izvjestitelji se smiju savjetovati s relevantnim stručnjacima i dionicima. Nadležni su i za sastavljanje kompromisnih amandmana i pregovore s izvjestiteljima u sjeni. Izvješća usvojena na razini odbora razmatraju se i o njima se glasuje na plenarnoj sjednici. Članak 55 Poslovnika

Druge parlamentarne aktivnosti

Obrazloženja glasovanja (napisan.)

Zastupnici mogu podnijeti pisana obrazloženja glasovanja na plenarnoj sjednici. Članak 194. Poslovnika

Provedba odredbi Ugovora u vezi s građanstvom EU-a (A8-0041/2019 - Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz) EN


In Northern Ireland, Sinn Féin have sought to exploit the UK’s exit from the EU to further their so-called ‘rights and equality’ agenda. Across our province, there is an acceptance that this agenda is actually about weakening the constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom. At every turn, Sinn Féin misrepresent the Belfast Agreement, playing on fears and generating uncertainty in the hope of a divisive and destabilising border poll. The republican campaign has now conveniently turned its attention to citizenship issues. Preserving the benefits of EU citizenship in NI has been a useful ploy to call for a different citizenship regime in our region than in England, Scotland or Wales.
Yet British nationality law is clear. The Belfast Agreement confers a right to hold both British AND Irish citizenship, not British OR Irish citizenship. Therefore, whilst most people born in Northern Ireland are entitled automatically to Irish citizenship under Irish law, this isn’t instead of British citizenship; it is in addition to it. The Prime Minister must avoid seeking to placate politically motivated arguments that challenge this legal basis.

Nacrt općeg proračuna Europske unije za financijsku godinu 2018. - svi dijelovi EN


It is disappointing that Parliament has decided to reverse what appeared to be genuine attempts by the Council to reduce spending in many policy areas.
For too long now taxpayers in the United Kingdom and indeed across Europe have been the losers in the haggling played out between these institutions when setting the EU budget. Brussels has long lost its grasp of the difficulties that this brings to families, businesses and households. Much of the time, spending is wasteful and detached from priorities at the grassroots.
After Brexit Brussels will no longer demand our cash or direct how it is spent. There should be no question of giving the EU a blank cheque which would see contributions roll on for many years. Our legal obligations to the EU budget must end in March 2019.
However we are an honourable people. It is right that we should honour existing commitments under a fair and reasonable settlement with Brussels. In Florence, the Prime Minister committed to ensuring that other EU taxpayers will not need to pay more or receive less over the remainder of the current budget plan. That is the right course.

Razmjena informacija, sustav ranog upozoravanja i postupak procjene rizika novih psihoaktivnih tvari (A8-0359/2016 - Michał Boni) EN


I welcome this vote, which is another step in the fight against dangerous substances that in recent months and years have brought suffering and trauma to many families in my own constituency, Northern Ireland. In the United Kingdom, the Psychoactive Substances Act, which was given Royal Assent in 2016, has restricted the production, sale and supply of new classes of legal highs. This has narrowed the window through which those who seek to benefit from these illicit drugs can prey on young people and other sections of the community who are most susceptible to their influences.
This is of course a problem that transcends borders and solutions should do likewise. Outside the EU the United Kingdom will continue to work closely with our neighbours in tackling what are often fluid and nuanced threats to public health. The proposals in relation to an early warning system and associated measures are therefore welcome and should be supported.

Pisana pitanja

Zastupnici smiju uputiti određen broj pitanja za pisani odgovor predsjedniku Europskog vijeća, Vijeću, Komisiji i potpredsjedniku Komisije / visokom predstavniku Unije. Članak 138. Poslovnika, Prilog III. Poslovniku


Zastupnik je potpisao sve izjave u nastavku, čak i ako potpis nije vidljiv na internetskom primjerku.