Renew Europe képviselőcsoport


Észtország - Eesti Keskerakond (Észtország)

Születési idő : , Tallinn

A szavazáshoz fűzött írásbeli indokolások Jana TOOM

A képviselők írásbeli indokolást nyújthatnak be a plenáris ülésen leadott szavazatukhoz. 194. cikk

Russiagate: állítólagos orosz beavatkozás az Európai Unió demokratikus folyamataiba (RC-B9-0124/2024) EN


Democracy, equality and rule of law are the founding values of the European Union.
Elected Members of this House must therefore be able to freely express their opinion when exercising their mandate, without being accused of serving any foreign force.
Neither should criticism towards Member States be construed to serve foreign interests when there is neither proof nor investigation.
The opinion of course must be expressed within the limits of the law, and those opinions should not be paid for by any third party either from outside the EU or from within.
The allegations of foreign interference are shocking, and I believe that investigation is necessary to establish the facts of the case.
Until those facts have been established, it is important to respect the principle of presumption of innocence.
This has been clearly reflected in the resolution and it is therefore that I am supporting it.

Az alapvető jogok helyzete az Európai Unióban 2022-ben és 2023-ban (A9-0376/2023 - Katarina Barley) EN


As a shadow, I strongly support this report.
As it has been adopted on the day Latvian media has reported on the start of deportations for Russian citizens who failed the Latvian language exam, I am especially happy to see that the amendments I introduced addressing Latvia’s recent actions have been broadly supported.
Parliament emphasized that Member States using national security in domestic policy, especially in migration, must ensure measures are necessary and proportionate, respecting rights outlined in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.
In addition, Parliament also urged the Commission to develop a strategy for statelessness in the EU, a call that sends a strong signal to the Commission to act. Furthermore, the importance of education in minority languages has also been stressed.

A tömegtájékoztatás szabadságáról szóló jogszabály (A9-0264/2023 - Sabine Verheyen) EN


The EMFA is a step towards free and transparent media. I strongly support the main goals such as transparency of ownership, ban of spyware use on journalists and independent and adequately funded public service media.
However, I could not support the wording of Article 17.
The essence of Article 17 is that it gives media service providers a privileged protection from content removal, as its content is not allowed to be removed for 24 hours after publishing. Very Large Online Platforms will not have the right to hide or delete a published post for 24 hours, regardless of the content (disinformation, nudity or other information that violates rules).
I believe that such immunity is not acceptable in this day and because the first 24 hours of publication are the most important. It is in the first hours of publication that the main views, comments, and shares are made.

A közös kül- és biztonságpolitika végrehajtása – 2022. évi éves jelentés (A9-0292/2022 - David McAllister) EN


The annual report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy in 2022 is a special report.
Much of the report is devoted to the Russian aggression in Ukraine and its consequence for the rest of Europe in terms of security.
I strongly condemn the Russian aggression and the use of force against Ukraine. I think it is important that the European Union does everything to help, including engaging in diplomacy, a skill that the EU and European Member States have years of experience with.
In the future, there will also be a need for dialogue and a reparation of relations when the Russian forces leave the occupied territories. And the conditions for this need to be realistic and pragmatic.
I am glad that other members of this House believe the same and have voted against the amendment that states that ‘only a defeated, deimperialised and decolonised Russia may be a partner for any future cooperation’.
As the EU, we can decide what kind of Russia we cooperate with, but it is crucial to be reasonable.

A megszállt külföldi régiókban kiállított orosz úti okmányok el nem ismerése (C9-0302/2022 - Juan Fernando López Aguilar) EN


The non-recognition of travel documents issued in occupied regions will have detrimental consequences for the people.
While exceptions are included, these are very limited in scope and it is doubtful whether they will be properly implemented in practice.
The unintended consequences of this legislation could become a great obstacle for people wanting to leave the regions.
Therefore, I voted against the proposal.

A Petíciós Bizottság 2020-as év során folytatott tanácskozásai (A9-0323/2021 - Gheorghe Falcă) EN


Every year we work with hundreds of petitions in the Committee of Petitions, and I am happy to be one of the Members that get to engage directly with the petitioners who choose to direct their concerns to us in the European Parliament. After more than 7 years in this Committee, I can see that there are ways to improve the way we resolve petitions. We need to improve cooperation with other committees in the European Parliament, we need to increase collaboration with the Commission and we need the Commission to make better use of the tools it has at its disposal, including the European Citizen’s Initiative. All of these are included in the report, and I will gladly support it.

Az ukrán határon és Ukrajna oroszok által megszállt területein kialakult helyzet (B9-0593/2021, B9-0594/2021, B9-0595/2021, B9-0596/2021, B9-0597/2021, B9-0598/2021) EN


Only a few months have passed since we voted on the report on EU-Russia relations. I voted against that one because of the lack of clearly defined strategy as regards to Russia. Now we see that tensions are running high at the border with Ukraine and we are still voting on a report without having a proper strategy on our relationship with Russia. What is even worse is that once again the report mentions the exclusion of Russia from the SWIFT system and stopping the operationalisation of Nordstream 2. These would be counterproductive in our current situation and I cannot support them.

A nemi alapú erőszak elleni küzdelem: online erőszak (A9-0338/2021 - Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Sylwia Spurek) EN


We are spending more and more of our time in the digital world, and an increasingly bigger part of our lives is accessible online. These trends leave many women and girls vulnerable to cyber violence. The situation of gender-based violence is already dire in the real world but the ability of perpetrators to go beyond that means that victims do not have any moment where they can feel safe. In this Parliament, we are working on taking steps to address violence against women and girls and we have to make sure that our actions will not be undermined by failing to tackle the real harm that can be done with the use of digital tools.
As a shadow rapporteur for this report, I have worked together with my colleagues to ensure that we properly address gender-based cyber violence through criminalising gender-based acts of cyber violence but also through measures aimed at preventing crimes, educating young generations and supporting victims. By voting for this report, we continue the fight against gender-based violence.

A demokrácia, a médiaszabadság és a pluralizmus megerősítése az EU-ban (A9-0292/2021 - Tiemo Wölken, Roberta Metsola) EN


In recent years, we have seen a shrinking space for civil society and increased threats to journalists all across the EU. This is a dangerous trend, as a functioning democracy needs media freedom and pluralism, and especially so in cases where journalists report on corruption and breaches of the rule of law. It is unacceptable to allow those who hold positions of power or have great financial resources to use their power to silence those who want to speak out.
Addressing this situation will require a complex set of measures and that is why I have worked for including both legislative and non-legislative measures in this report. In this report, we included provisions and rules aimed at preventing frivolous lawsuits against journalists and activists reporting on matters of public interest, but also measures that can offer support to victims of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) and train judges to be better prepared to deal with these abusive practices.
With this report, we send a signal that we will not stand by idly while journalists and activists are stopped from reporting on the injustice they see around them.

A nemi alapú erőszaknak az EUMSZ 83. cikke (1) bekezdésében felsorolt bűncselekmények új területeként való megállapítása (A9-0249/2021 - Malin Björk, Diana Riba i Giner) EN


Violence against women was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic: with telework and isolation, women were often forced to be alone with the aggressors. While President Ursula von der Leyen has promised the State of the Union that the Commission would make a proposal to fight gender-based violence, this is not enough. The Council remains blocked on the Istanbul Convention and not all Member States have ratified it. it is a truly shameful situation.
Therefore, I have insisted in this Report that criminalizing gender-based is not enough. For the fight against violence against women to be effective, other measures are needed: prevention of such violence through the education of boys and girls, measures to protect women, including the help of a psychologist, special shelters, the legal consequences of forced marriages, the fight against online bullying and harassment, reproductive rights, access to reproductive health care. As a shadow rapporteur, I insisted on including all of this in the Report.
By voting in favour, we demand action from the Commission to end gender-based violence.



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