
Rapport(i) - bħala rapporteur - Il-ħames leġiżlatura parlamentari Margot KESSLER

Rapporteur jinħatar fil-kumitat parlamentari responsabbli biex jabbozza rapport dwar proposti ta' natura leġiżlattiva jew baġitarja, jew kwistjonijiet oħra. Huma u jabbozzaw ir-rapport tagħhom, ir-rapporteurs jistgħu jikkonsultaw ma' esperti u ma' partijiet interessati rilevanti. Huma responsabbli wkoll għall-abbozzar ta' emendi ta' kompromess u għal negozjati ma' shadow rapporteurs. Ir-rapporti adottati fil-livell tal-kumitat imbagħad jiġu eżaminati u vvotati fil-plenarja. Artikolu 55

Report I. on the proposal for a Council decision establishing a second phase of the programme of incentives and exchanges, training and cooperation for the legal practitioners (Grotius II - General and Criminal) (COM(2000)0828 - C5-0754/2000 - 2000/0339(CNS)) II.on the proposal for a Council decision establishing a second phase of the programme of incentives, exchanges, training and cooperation for law enforcement authorities (Oisin II) (COM(2000)0828 - C5-0755/2000 -2000/0340(CNS)) III.on the proposal for a Council decision establishing a second phase of the programme of incentives, exchanges, training and cooperation for persons responsible for combating trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of children (Stop II) (COM(2000)0828 - C5-0756/00 - 2000/0341(CNS)) IV. on the proposal for a Council decision establishing a programme of incentives and exchanges, training and cooperation for the prevention of crime (Hippokrates) (COM(2000)0786-C5-0753/2000 - 2000/0304(CNS)) - Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs EN

21-03-2001 A5-0094/2001 PE294.316 LIBE

Report on the proposal for a Council Decision establishing a European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters - Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs EN

21-03-2001 A5-0091/2001 PE294.324 LIBE

Report on the institution of the petition at the dawn of the 21st century - Committee on Petitions EN

19-03-2001 A5-0088/2001 PE232.710 PETI