
Pisemne wyjaśnienia dotyczące sposobu głosowania - Dziewiąta kadencja parlamentarna Rory PALMER

Posłowie mogą przedkładać pisemne wyjaśnienie na temat stanowiska zajętego w głosowaniu na posiedzeniu plenarnym. Art. 194 Regulaminu

Obchody 30. rocznicy rumuńskiej rewolucji z grudnia 1989 r. (B9-0241/2019) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution because it pays homage to the victims of the December 1989 revolution, who sacrificed their lives for the cause of ending the totalitarian dictatorship in Romania, and to their families.

Sytuacja Ujgurów w Chinach (China cables) (RC-B9-0246/2019, B9-0246/2019, B9-0247/2019, B9-0248/2019, B9-0249/2019, B9-0250/2019) EN


The ‘China cables’ investigation has unveiled the repressive regime that Uyghurs and other Muslim ethnic minorities are facing at the hands of the Chinese Government. I voted in favour of this resolution, because it strongly condemns the sending of hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs and ethnic Kazakhs to political re-education camps, and it demands EU—targeted sanctions against those Chinese officials responsible for implementing this revolting policy of mass detention.

Sytuacja praw człowieka i demokracji w Nikaragui (RC-B9-0251/2019, B9-0251/2019, B9-0252/2019, B9-0253/2019, B9-0254/2019, B9-0255/2019) EN


I supported this resolution, because it calls for an immediate end to the repression of freedoms by governmental forces and paramilitaries in Nicaragua. As there has been no progress in resuming a national dialogue, we are calling on the Council to start filling the list of targeted sanctions for those who have committed human rights abuses.

Brutalne stłumienie niedawnych protestów w Iranie (RC-B9-0271/2019, B9-0271/2019, B9-0272/2019, B9-0273/2019, B9-0274/2019, B9-0275/2019, B9-0276/2019) EN


I supported this resolution, which strongly condemns the disproportionate use of force by Iranian authorities against non-violent protesters who were merely exercising their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

WPR: Dyscyplina finansowa począwszy od roku budżetowego 2021 oraz elastyczność między filarami w odniesieniu do roku kalendarzowego 2020 (A9-0042/2019 - Norbert Lins) EN


I supported the report as this measure will ensure continuity and financial certainty for our food producers until the new common agricultural policy (CAP) comes into effect.

Umowa o partnerstwie w sprawie zrównoważonych połowów między UE a Gambią oraz protokół wykonawczy do tej umowy (A9-0026/2019 - Carmen Avram) EN


I voted in favour of the agreement as its objective is to enable the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia to work more closely together to promote a sustainable fisheries policy and responsible exploitation of fisheries resources in Gambian waters.

Sprzeciw na podstawie art. 112 Regulaminu: substancje czynne, w tym dimoksystrobina i mankozeb (B9-0230/2019) EN


I supported the objection, as the protection of human health and the environment is one of the Labour Party’s top priorities. It is unacceptable that potentially toxic substances are granted technical extensions to stay on the EU market.

Zamknięcie ksiąg dochodów i wydatków Europejskiego Urzędu Wsparcia w dziedzinie Azylu (EASO) za rok budżetowy 2017 (B9-0235/2019) EN


I supported this report as it is a simple procedure to close accounts for the EASO for the 2017 financial year.

Sprawiedliwe opodatkowanie w zglobalizowanej gospodarce cyfrowej – BEPS 2.0 (B9-0238/2019) EN


I supported this report because it sends a strong message to the Council for an ambitious global tax reform. It is time to modernise our tax rules to ensure that big companies pay their fair share of taxes where the value is created and where the economic activity is taking place.

Praworządność na Malcie po ujawnieniu najnowszych informacji w sprawie morderstwa Daphne Caruany Galizii (B9-0240/2019) EN


The developments in Malta in recent years, including the shocking assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, have led to serious and persistent threats to the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights.
I voted in favour of this resolution, because there is an urgent need for a comprehensive and permanent EU mechanism to uphold the rule of law in Malta and across the EU.

Inicjatywa UE na rzecz owadów zapylających (B9-0233/2019) EN


I supported this resolution, as pollinators are in decline and urgent action is needed to protect and restore populations of honeybees, solitary bees, butterflies, ladybirds and other pollinators.

Pomoc makrofinansowa dla Jordanii (A9-0045/2019 - Luisa Regimenti) EN


. ‒ I supported the report as Jordan is an important strategic ally in the region and therefore it is important to assist it through micro-financial assistance (MFA) commitments. However, this should come with a strong Memorandum of Understanding, to ensure that EU money is used in the most efficient and accountable way possible.

Umowa między UE a Szwajcarią w sprawie intensyfikacji współpracy transgranicznej, szczególnie w zwalczaniu terroryzmu i przestępczości transgranicznej (A9-0043/2019 - Roberta Metsola) EN


. ‒ I supported the agreement as it aims to improve and simplify the automated exchange of information and intelligence between law enforcement authorities of the Member States and Switzerland in order to stimulate international police cooperation.

Umowa między UE a Liechtensteinem w sprawie intensyfikacji współpracy transgranicznej, szczególnie w zwalczaniu terroryzmu i przestępczości transgranicznej (A9-0044/2019 - Roberta Metsola) EN


. ‒ I supported the agreement as it aims to improve and simplify the automated exchange of information and intelligence between law enforcement authorities of the Member States and Liechtenstein in order to stimulate international police cooperation.

Protokół do umowy między UE a Szwajcarią dotyczącej kryteriów i mechanizmów umożliwiających określanie państwa właściwego dla rozpatrywania wniosku o azyl złożonego w państwie członkowskim lub w Szwajcarii w odniesieniu do dostępu do Eurodac na potrzeby ochrony porządku publicznego (A9-0025/2019 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska) EN


. ‒ I supported this Protocol as it is only a technical adjustment which will enable Switzerland to access the Eurodac database for law enforcement purposes.

Przystąpienie Wysp Salomona do Umowy przejściowej o partnerstwie między UE a państwami Pacyfiku (A9-0050/2019 - Bernd Lange) EN


I supported this report because Solomon Islands will be able to maintain full duty-free-quota-free access to the EU market, through the accession to the Interim Partnership Agreement. The EU is one of the main trade partners for the Pacific region, and it intends to continue supporting the development of Solomon Islands and the regional integration between Pacific states.

Wymogi dla dostawców usług płatniczych (A9-0048/2019 - Lídia Pereira) EN


I voted in favour of this report because it aims to solve the problem of e-commerce VAT fraud by strengthening the cooperation between tax authorities and payment service providers.

Środki zwiększające współpracę administracyjną w celu zwalczania oszustw związanych z VAT (A9-0047/2019 - Lídia Pereira) EN


I voted in favour of this report because it puts forward proposals to improve the VAT collection system, by laying down rules for the Member States to collect in a harmonised way the records made electronically available by payment service providers. It aims at fighting VAT fraud, especially in e-commerce.

Stowarzyszenie krajów i terytoriów zamorskich z Unią Europejską („decyzja o stowarzyszeniu zamorskim”) (A9-0033/2019 - Tomas Tobé) EN


I voted in favour of this technical report which incorporates the provisions to implement the REX system into Annex VI of the Overseas Association Decision.

Umowa UE-USA dotycząca przyznania udziału w kontyngencie taryfowym na przywóz wołowiny wysokiej jakości (zalecenie) (A9-0038/2019 - Bernd Lange) EN


I welcome this agreement with the US as a solution to a longstanding trade dispute. It will protect the interests of EU stakeholders against the threat of increased duties on certain EU products without increasing the overall volume of beef coming into the EU nor affecting the quality and traceability of products on the EU market.