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While multiple causes underpin accounting scandals such as Wirecard, they often point at deficiencies in the audit profession and its oversight. Currently, the system of national public audit oversight boards (POBSAs) is fragmented and overly complex, characterized by limited responsiveness to red flags, and apparent lack of communication among the POBSAs, and with other supervisors. This suggests supervisory coordination and clear action triggers are imperative. Importantly, pervasively low transparency ...

The regulations on admission to the occupation of road transport operator and on access to the international road transport market have been contributing to the functioning of EU road transport and fairer competition between resident and non-resident hauliers since December 2011. Despite the improvements they have brought to the sector, persistent shortcomings such as diverging national application of the rules and uneven enforcement called for a revision of both acts. On 31 May 2017, as part of ...

In the EU, professions are regulated at either Union or Member State level. In the latter case, qualification requirements can differ widely between Member States, due to their respective historical development and experience. This can lead to a lack of clarity on the criteria used, and result in fragmentation of the single market. The proposed directive on a proportionality test before adoption of new regulation of professions, tabled by the European Commission, sought to harmonise the way in which ...

In the European Union, the right to choose an occupation and to exercise a regulated profession is a fundamental right. While professions are regulated either at Union or at Member State level, the EU principles of proportionality and non-discrimination should be respected. The Parliament and the Council reached agreement in trilogue negotiations on the European Commission's proposal concerning a proportionality test before adoption of new measures for the regulation of professions. The agreement ...

As part of its efforts to reduce transport emissions, the EU wants to make better use of inland navigation. This requires addressing the limited labour mobility and shortage of qualified workers in the sector. The proposed directive seeks to establish one competence-based system of qualifications for workers on all EU inland waterways. Ultimately, the new rules aim to make jobs in inland navigation more attractive. Parliament is due to vote on the proposal in plenary in November.

Взаимно признаване на дипломите

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-11-2017

Свободата на установяване и свободата на предоставяне на услуги са крайъгълни камъни на единния пазар, като създават необходимите условия за мобилността на предприятията и специалистите навсякъде в ЕС. Прилагането на тези свободи предполага цялостно признаване на дипломите и квалификациите, получени на национално равнище. Приети са различни мерки за тяхното хармонизиране и взаимно признаване, а понастоящем се работи и по нови законодателни актове по този въпрос.

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above proposal, submitted on 31 May 2017 and referred to Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN). The existing legislative framework regulating European cabotage operations (the national carriage of goods for hire or reward carried out by non-resident hauliers on a temporary basis in a host Member State) was adopted in 2009 (Regulations ...

In general, the IA appears to set out logical reasoning linking the problem, its underlying drivers, the objectives and the policy options to tackle the problem. It seems to be based on sound research and analysis, while nevertheless recognising that there are still data gaps to be filled. With regard to the analysis of impacts, a more targeted analysis of the likely impacts on SMEs might have been desirable. Also, the IA does not seem to identify operational objectives for its preferred policy option ...

Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 1072/2009 set out a common legal framework to access road transport operator business and the road haulage market. The different analyses and studies carried out at European level show that the two regulations had positive effects on the internal market (such as harmonisation, introduction of quantitative criteria, clarification of terms, linking of the international cabotage to international carriage operations) and are an appropriate tool to deal ...

Автомобилен транспорт: международен и каботаж

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-03-2017

В резултат от приемането на редица европейски законодателни актове, както международният сухопътен транспорт, така и каботажът на стоки и лица бяха постепенно либерализирани.