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This infographic examines some economic differences and similarities among countries of the Gulf region and the EU, like GDP growth, GDP per capita and female labour force participation rate. In terms of trade, the Gulf region stands already as an important source of oil and gas for the EU, these products contributing almost two-third of total imports of the latter from the Gulf region.

Our infographic provides an insight to the uneven economic development of Mercosur countries and to the dynamics of EU-Mercosur trade relations in the past 15 years. Smaller economies like Paraguay and Uruguay seemed to be more resilient to economic hardships than their bigger neighbours, both in terms of GDP growth and unemployment. Although trade of goods between the EU and Mercosur countries have quickly recovered by 2021 after the Covid-19 pandemic, it has still not reached peak levels that had ...

Chile: Economic indicators and trade with EU

Накратко 03-05-2022

Trade relations between the EU and Chile are imbalanced not only in terms of trends in export and import of goods, but also in the diversity of trade products and in their ranking in the list of main trade partners. The EU was Chile's third biggest trade partner in 2021, with a 10,4 % share in Chile's trade with the world. Germany, Spain and the Netherlands are leading the list of Chile's top EU trade partners.

This workshop of the Committee on International Trade discussed recent developments in trade defence legislation and practice from the perspectives of the EU, the USA and the WTO. A set of trade defence rules have been agreed in the framework of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), in particular on anti-dumping, anti-subsidies and safeguards. The WTO also provides a dispute settlement system for cases brought forward by its members. The EU has recently adopted two sets of new legislation on Trade ...

Understanding trade balances

Накратко 08-02-2019

Trade policy discourse on both sides of the Atlantic has recently focused on trade deficits and surpluses. In the United States (US), President Donald Trump has routinely referred to the US trade deficit as a central indicator of the country's economic woes and made its reduction a key objective of US trade policy. In Europe, the world's largest trade surplus, run by Germany, has come under scrutiny. However, focusing on trade balances of exports and imports can be misleading in the trade policy ...

Европейският съюз и неговите търговски партньори

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-09-2017

С течение на годините ЕС преминава от производство на трудоемки продукти с ниска себестойност към специализация в маркови стоки с по-висока себестойност. Поради отворената икономика на ЕС търговията е от същностно значение за него. За да преодолее пречките пред търговията и да създаде равнопоставени условия за своите предприятия, Съюзът договаря редица споразумения за свободна търговия (ССТ). ЕС също така е основател на Световната търговска организация (СТО) и ключов участник в нея.

Европейското рибарство в цифри

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-09-2017

Таблиците по-долу показват основните статистически данни в редица области, свързани с общата политика в областта на рибарството (ОПОР), и по-специално: риболовните флоти на държавите членки през 2014 г. (таблица І), положението със заетостта в рибарството, аквакултурите и преработката на рибни продукти през 2011 г. (таблица ІІ), баланса на доставките на продукти на рибарството и аквакултурите през 2012 г. (таблица ІІІ), консумацията на продукти на рибарството и аквакултурите през 2012 г. (таблица ...

The Trade Agreement between the EU and Peru and Colombia has been provisionally implemented since the middle of 2013. However, based on limited secondary data available to date on its effects, this report shows that trade profiles have not been substantially altered. EU exports to Latin America are dominated by pharmaceuticals, machinery and vehicles, and have experienced very slight increases. Colombian exports to the EU have benefitted more than Peruvian exports from improved access, but oil and ...

Cuba's international trade

Накратко 09-02-2015

Cuba's main imports are machinery, food and fuel products, while its major exports are refined fuels, sugar, tobacco, nickel and pharmaceuticals. In addition to merchandise exports, Cuba pays for much-needed imports through the export of services (tourism, medical personnel working abroad), remittances from Cubans living out of the country and finance from outside benefactors. The island recently reformed its foreign investment law and opened a Chinese-style 'special economic zone' around the new ...

Trade and Economic Relations with China 2014

Задълбочен анализ 15-05-2014

Although China managed to sustain its previous year’s level of economic growth in 2013, its economy is headed towards further change and possible upheaval. Beijing has accordingly widened its focus, and is no longer concentrating solely on economic growth. Inflation remained stable in the country. However, falling producer prices present challenges for Chinese production. The real estate bubble and growing debt are threatening the country’s economic stability. Beijing has liberalised a number of ...