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Act in support of ammunition production

Накратко 25-05-2023

Put forward by the European Commission on 3 May 2023 to facilitate the ramping-up of production capacity for ammunition and missiles in the EU, the proposed act in support of ammunition production seeks to ensure that the European defence industry can better support Ukraine and EU Member States. Members agreed to trigger the urgent procedure during the May I 2023 plenary session. Parliament is set to proceed with a plenary vote on Parliament's position on the proposal, without a report, during the ...

Establishing an EU rapid deployment capacity

Накратко 11-04-2023

One of the flagship proposals of the Strategic Compass adopted in March 2022 is the creation of a new rapid reaction force for responses to crises outside the EU. This rapid deployment capacity (RDC) will be a modular force of 5 000 personnel that should be fully operational by 2025. To establish the RDC, important issues, particularly on cost-sharing, decision-making, size, readiness and enablers need to be resolved.

The Russian war on Ukraine has shattered long-held views that war was 'a thing of the past' on the European continent. The new security situation has sparked debates in capitals all over Europe on security and defence arrangements, policies and strategic orientation. While it has become commonplace to argue that the EU has made substantial progress on European defence cooperation since 2016, the Strategic Compass, adopted in March 2022, represents a 'sea change' in EU defence landscape, according ...

Russia's war on Ukraine has been a wake-up call for many EU Member States when it comes to their defence budgets and capabilities, leading them to announce significant increases in their defence budgets after collaborative spending reached new lows in 2020. EU leaders made significant commitments on defence investment and capabilities at the Versailles Summit, which were subsequently underlined in the Strategic Compass. As a first step, the Commission presented a defence investment gap analysis on ...

In June 2018, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal on a European Defence Fund, including a budget allocation of €11.5 billion in constant 2018 prices for the 2021-2027 period. The proposal aimed to streamline and simplify the set-up in place at the time by integrating the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (research window) and the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (as one part of the capability window) into a single Fund. The main aims of the Fund would be ...

The EU’s Defence Technological and Industrial Base

Задълбочен анализ 10-01-2020

The EU’s Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) has been a key focus of EU policy efforts in recent years, not just for security reasons, but also for economic ones. There have been a host of funds to strengthen and reinforce the EDTIB, and to ensure deeper cooperation, avoid duplication and underscore the interoperability of equipment. These funding streams have not been fully evaluated, but they are important symbols of the energy and commitment with which the EU has attempted to create ...

This series of in-depth analyses provides a snapshot of some of the European Union’s recent accomplishments related to its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP): CSDP missions and operations, CSDP defence capabilities development, the EU’s defence technological and industrial base, and the EU’s institutional framework for defence matters.

One of a number of MFF-related impact assessment reports, this IA provides a comprehensive overview of the problems facing European defence development, as well as the general objectives that the proposed European Defence Fund is meant to address. It would nevertheless have gained by including a more detailed explanation behind the merger of the two financing windows, as well as a more detailed analysis of impacts. Finally, the lack of more specific objectives appears to have weakened the analysis ...

The US President, Donald Trump, will meet with the other leaders of the NATO member states at a summit in Brussels on 25 May 2017. Among issues on the table are the new US Administration's commitment to Europe's security, and the levels of military spending in Europe, which Washington considers too low. President Trump’s early statements created doubts in Europe about the future of transatlantic relations, but he and his officials have since reassured both NATO and the European Union that such ties ...

Against the backdrop of growing security challenges, the debate regarding the future of European defence cooperation has grown in relevance. While the Lisbon Treaty introduced significant possibilities with regard to the future of EU defence policy, and while there has been consistent EU Member State public support for further cooperation in this area, progress has been slow. The impact of the economic crisis on defence budgets, fears concerning the effects of more integration on national defence ...