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Вътрешен енергиен пазар

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-11-2017

С цел хармонизиране и либерализиране на вътрешния енергиен пазар на ЕС в периода от 1996 г. до 2009 г. са приети три поредни пакета от законодателни мерки: относно достъп до пазарите, прозрачност и регулиране, защита на потребителите, подкрепа за взаимна свързаност и адекватни нива на доставките. В резултат на тези мерки на пазарите на държавите членки могат да навлизат нови доставчици на природен газ и електроенергия, а промишлените потребители и домакинствата вече могат свободно да избират своя ...

Competition Policy and an Internal Energy Market

Проучване 18-07-2017

This study identifies selected important competition-related issues in the internal energy market. It discusses the role of competition law with respect to the following issues: State aid, congestion management, capacity remuneration mechanisms, balancing markets, effective competition between suppliers, integration of new players in the market, and energy poverty. To tackle these present and possible upcoming issues, the study provides indications regarding the current and future need for applying ...

Low-cost air carriers and tourism

Накратко 20-06-2017

The liberalisation of air transport, which resulted in the creation of new routes and new business models for airlines, in particular the development of low-cost carriers, has led to lower fares and wider access to air transport. In many countries, air transport is a catalyst for tourism development. As low-cost carriers in the EU have experienced substantial growth, serving mostly short-haul destinations, they are increasingly looking into investing into the long-haul market for their future development ...

Обща транспортна политика: общи положения

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-06-2017

Транспортната политика е част от областите на общи политики от повече от 30 години. Началото беше поставено с решението на Съда на Европейския съюз (Съда на ЕС) от 22 май 1985 г. по иска за установяване на неправомерно бездействие от Европейския парламент срещу Съвета. Успоредно с отварянето на транспортните пазари за конкуренцията и създаването на трансевропейски мрежи, темата за „устойчивата мобилност“ ще придобива все по-голямо значение до 2020 г., по-специално в контекста на постоянното нарастване ...

Energy consumers in the EU

Briefing 27-04-2017

Consumers are considered a key element of EU energy legislation and the efforts to achieve a transition to a carbon-free society. Back in 2009, the third energy package, which sought to establish a liberalised internal energy market, granted energy consumers a number of rights, such as the right to an electricity connection, to switch energy providers and to receive clear offers, contracts and energy bills. However, some of these rights have not yet been put into practice: consumers often do not ...

The study will describe the challenges for competition policy in relation to the internal energy market. It explores the specific topics related to the internal energy market and analyses the competition policy issues arising from the topics. The study will mainly focus on competition policy and its instruments such as anti-trust laws, merger regulation, sector regulation and State aid. Other policy fields fall outside the scope. This presentation of the approach and preliminary results was prepared ...

The IA appears to present a good and comprehensive analysis to identify the problems in the status quo, define the objectives of EU action, delineate policy options that can fulfil those objectives, assess the impacts of those options, and choose the best options to address the identified problems. This process seems to be based on sound data and research. In the explanation of the objectives, however, the distinction between what the IA refers to as the sub-objectives and the operational objectives ...

Автомобилен транспорт: международен и каботаж

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-03-2017

В резултат от приемането на редица европейски законодателни актове, както международният сухопътен транспорт, така и каботажът на стоки и лица бяха постепенно либерализирани.

The new proposals build on previous legislation and continue to gradually implement an internal energy market. In particular, they look to incorporate recent changes, such as the rapid increase in renewables and technological advances relating to the digitalisation of services. They also attempt to clarify previous legislation such as in the case of storage for Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for example. As with the recent proposals on security of gas supply, the Commission looks to incorporate ...

Market access to port services

Накратко 07-12-2016

To improve commercial efficiency and increase the financial transparency of the major EU seaports, the European Commission proposed a new regulation in 2013. Following agreement with the Council in trilogue the new regulation is now to be voted in plenary in December. In contrast to previous, rejected proposals on ports, this one will not affect Member States' social and employment rules.