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Regional airports are an important part of the aviation system in the European Union (EU). They are engines of socio-economic development and improve accessibility to certain locations, in particular those that are remote or not well served by other forms of transportation. They also have a vital role in terms of economic and social cohesion, stimulating tourism and employment, as well as facilitating access to essential services. In addition, they can help to reduce congestion at major hub airports ...

The Airports Charges Directive 2009/12/EC is the main legislative act regulating the essential features of airport charges. Airport charges are the charges that the airlines pay to the airports for using their infrastructure and facilities. The two main issues that the directive aims to tackle are the risk that some airports might set prices and terms that are not in line with a competitive market, and the diverging and non-transparent charging systems in the Member States. If the evaluation of the ...

This study, provided by the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions, aims to provide a clear and simple overview to the non-expert reader, on the Impact of aircrafts noise pollution on residents of large cities, as well as to give recommendations addressed to the most relevant actors. Noise is one of the most important problems linked to aviation. It can lead to health issues, as well as to negative social and economic effects ...

The need to observe strict sanitary measures, in view of the COVID-19 contagion, requires a flexible response from everyone. Consequently, the European Parliament organised and conducted its March II plenary session with new precautionary measures, allowing it to act rapidly to carry out its essential legislative function during the crisis. Parliament's Bureau put in place an alternative voting procedure for the 26 March extraordinary plenary session. The new procedure meant that all Members – with ...

In the words of Parliament’s President, David Sassoli, the 'European Parliament must remain open, because a virus cannot bring down democracy'. Ways have therefore had to be found to enable Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to exercise their public duties should it become impossible for them to attend committees or plenary sessions in person. The need to keep parliaments functioning in emergency situations has been on Member States' agendas too. The European Parliament’s Bureau has taken ...

On 13 March 2020, the European Commission adopted a legislative proposal to amend Regulation 95/93 on common rules for the allocation of slots at EU airports. The proposal responds to the rapid spread of cases of COVID 19, which has led to a substantial drop in the number of flights and forward bookings. It seeks to support airlines by temporarily suspending slot usage rules. The proposal is expected to be voted during the extraordinary plenary session being held on 26 March to enable the adoption ...

New civil aviation safety rules

Briefing 15-10-2018

Flying remains one of the safest forms of transport, and the EU's accident rate is lower than in the rest of the world. However, it cannot automatically be assumed that such performance will continue, as global air traffic is forecast to double over the next 20 years. New technologies, such as unmanned aircraft (drones), are also appearing in European skies, which require adaption of the current regulatory framework. In December 2015, the European Commission proposed to update aviation safety rules ...

New civil aviation safety rules

Briefing 28-03-2018

Flying remains one of the safest forms of transport, and the EU's accident rate is lower than in the rest of the world. However, it cannot automatically be assumed that such performance will continue, as global air traffic is forecast to double over the next 20 years. New technologies, such as unmanned aircraft (drones), are also appearing in European skies, which require adaption of the current regulatory framework. In December 2015, the European Commission proposed to update aviation safety rules ...

Letecká doprava: Ochrana civilního letectví

Fakta a čísla o EU 01-07-2017

Důvodem existence bezpečnosti letecké dopravy (nezaměňovat s bezpečností letadel[1]) je zabránit činům spáchaným ve zlém úmyslu na letadle, cestujících nebo posádce. Po hrůzných útocích z roku 2001 přijala EU řadu bezpečnostních pravidel pro posílení bezpečnosti civilní letecké dopravy. Tato pravidla jsou pravidelně aktualizována, aby odpovídala měnícím se rizikům. Členské státy mohou i nadále uplatňovat přísnější opatření.

Letecká doprava: tržní pravidla

Fakta a čísla o EU 01-07-2017

Zavedení jednotného leteckého trhu na konci devadesátých let přineslo zásadní změnu v odvětví letecké dopravy a významně přispělo ke značnému růstu letecké dopravy v Evropě v uplynulých dvaceti letech.