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This study analyses how the CAP and state aid support farm competitiveness, including the role of young farmers and women. Challenges and drivers of EU farm competitiveness are identified. Key competitiveness indicators are analysed and their limitations are considered. The level of CAP support to competitiveness is assessed, with a comparison of the 2014-2022 and 2023-2027 programming periods. The study illustrates the Member States’ differentiated approaches to supporting competitiveness.

Most of the world's farmers are engaged in small scale agriculture. The majority of them are in developing countries but there are many in developed countries as well. Small farms make up the vast majority of the EU's 10 million farms. What constitutes a small farm depends on the context. However, improving the conditions of small-scale food producers is a global objective. Recent studies have lowered past estimates of how much of the global food supply is produced by small farms. Notwithstanding ...

Poslední reforma společné zemědělské politiky (SZP) zachovala strukturu této politiky, která vychází ze dvou pilířů, přičemž politika rozvoje venkova je i nadále tzv. „druhým pilířem SZP“. Obecné zásady tohoto pilíře zůstávají stejné (spolufinancování, víceleté celostátní nebo regionální plánování, které vychází ze „souboru evropských opatření“, atd.). Nový systém poskytuje členským státům výhodu v podobě větší pružnosti.

This study reviews the extent to which the current CAP and related EU policies promote sustainable competitiveness and innovation in agriculture, and assesses the current legislative proposals for CAP reform. It finds that the current policy does not realise its potential and that, although the reform package represents an improvement, particularly in its proposals for Pillar 2, more could usefully be done. Recommendations are made to strengthen the balance of the package and improve proposals for ...