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The Commissions Legal Migration Fitness check of March 2019 found the objectives of the EU's legal migration directives still relevant to the EU's needs, but found that it presents a fragmented system which impacts the coherence and effectiveness of the system as a whole. In view of the upcoming LIBE own-initiative report on "New avenues for legal labour migration", this in-depth analysis of Policy Department C presents short summaries of relevant research on the subject since 2015, covering the ...

The (still to be achieved) common EU immigration policy covers legal migration; the support of Member States’ actions for the integration of third country nationals; combating irregular immigration through an effective return policy; concluding readmission agreements with third countries; and combating trafficking in human beings. Throughout the 2014-2019 legislative term and with a view to overcoming the migration crisis, Parliament as co-legislator has contributed to enhancing the legal avenues ...

This note, prepared by Policy Department A for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, summarises the background on the phenomenon of platform work, and introduces the focus and the key findings of the recent study "The Social Protection of Workers in the Platform Economy". It then lists the key recommendations of the study to give the interested audience a quick overview on the main findings of the study.

The leaflet provides a quick overview on the changes proposed by the Commission, as compared to current rules, as well as their assessment. It is based on main points of the presentation of the study on "Coordination of social security system in Europe" to the EMPL Committee on 4 December 2017.This leaflet has been prepared by the European Parliament's Policy Department A on Economic and Scientific Policy (covering the ECON-ENVI-EMPL-IMCO-ITRE Committees.

This briefing provides an update on the revision of the posting of workers directive in the European Parliament, and thus a follow up to the June 2016 study prepared for the EMPL Committee ‘Posting of Workers Directive - current situation and challenges’, the May 2016 EPRS appraisal of the Commission Impact Assessment ‘Revision of the Posting of Workers Directive’, and the March 2017 EPRS briefing ‘Posting of Workers Directive’.

Social sikring i andre EU-medlemsstater

EU-faktablade 01-06-2017

Det er nødvendigt at koordinere de sociale sikringsordninger for at fremme den frie bevægelighed for personer på EU's område. En grundlæggende reform, der moderniserede hele lovgivningssystemet og erstattede lovgivning fra 1970'erne, har været i kraft siden maj 2010, og yderligere retsakter har forbedret beskyttelsen af arbejdstagernes rettigheder, når de benytter sig af deres ret til fri bevægelighed. Ved udgangen af 2016 blev det foreslået at revidere systemet med henblik på at tilpasse det til ...

Arbejdskraftens frie bevægelighed

EU-faktablade 01-06-2017

En af EU-borgernes fire frihedsrettigheder er arbejdskraftens frie bevægelighed. Den omfatter arbejdstagernes ret til bevægelighed og ophold, ret til indrejse og ophold for familiemedlemmer og ret til at arbejde i en anden medlemsstat og blive behandlet på lige fod med statsborgere i denne medlemsstat. Der gælder i nogle lande begrænsninger for borgere, som kommer fra nye medlemsstater. Reglerne om adgang til sociale ydelser udformes i dag primært gennem Domstolens retspraksis.

EU supplerer medlemsstaternes aktiviteter med hensyn til arbejdstagernes ret til information og høring gennem foranstaltninger, der er udformet med henblik på at fremme samarbejdet mellem medlemsstaterne, eller ved at vedtage minimumskrav ved hjælp af direktiver.

Dialogen mellem arbejdsmarkedets parter er en grundlæggende komponent i den europæiske sociale model, der med Amsterdamreformen opnåede fuld anerkendelse i traktaten. Arbejdsmarkedets parter (arbejdsgiver- og arbejdstagerrepræsentanter) kan dermed bidrage aktivt til udformningen af EU's social- og arbejdsmarkedspolitik.

This study provides an overview of the social and employment situation in the US. The paper has been put together to inform the Delegation of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee in view of their visit to Washington, USA in April 2017. The paper looks at the labour market situation in the USA over the last decade, social protection in the USA, and recent developments in the labor market and social protection.