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Europe has been home to Jews for thousands of years. They have contributed to the continent's artistic achievements and material prosperity despite discriminatory laws and recurring acts of persecution. With their 'final solution', the Nazis aimed to eradicate Jews from the continent and erase all trace of their culture, destroying synagogues, Jewish archives and works of art. Although the Nazis did not achieve their objective, they left ruins that bear architectural witness to Jewish presence on ...

One language disappears every two weeks, and up to 90 % of existing languages could be gone by the turn of the century. Globalisation, social and economic pressures and political options can determine whether a language survives. Multilingualism is a cornerstone of the European project, with 24 official and 60 minority languages. In a digital era, ensuring digital language equality can help preserve linguistic diversity.

I denne undersøgelse analyseres det, hvordan det obligatoriske skolesystem håndterer fremmedsprogslæringen. Undersøgelsen analyserer anvendelsen af CEFR i evaluering, udvikling af læreplaner, skolebøger og uddannelse af lærere. Undersøgelsen konkluderer, at selv om der ofte ikke er nogen direkte forbindelse mellem evalueringer og CEFR, implementeres CEFR's generelle tilgang til sproglæring, læreplaner og lærebøger tager højde for konteksten for sprogbrug og de relaterede "can-do"-beskrivelser, og ...

The EU and multilingualism

Briefing 21-11-2011

Democracy, transparency and the commitment to promote cultural and linguistic diversity account for the EU's unique multilingual structure based on 23 official languages. As a result of successive enlargements, the multilingual challenge has reached a completely new dimension – in terms of size, complexity, and policy relevance.

A Green Paper on "Modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive" was published by the European Commission (EC) on 22 June 2011. The Directive aims to facilitate the free movement of professionals within the EU, regardless of the Member State in which they acquired their professional qualification. Updating the Directive is one of the twelve projects for 2012 in the Single Market Act, a series of measures adopted by the EC to boost the European economy and create jobs.

Denne rapport undersøger, i hvilken udstrækning økonomiske eller andre hindringer afholder europæiske studerende fra at deltage i Erasmus-programmet. Meget tyder på, at de største hindringer varierer betydeligt mellem de forskellige lande bortset fra de finansielle spørgsmål, som spiller en afgørende rolle for studerende overalt. Erasmus-deltagelse hænger nøjere sammen med de studerendes socio-økonomiske baggrund og styres snarere af individuelle præferencer og cost/benefit-overvejelser end af spørgsmål ...

This document provides the results of a study on ‘multilingualism and linguistic diversity’. It presents what has been done in the study with regard to its objectives and workplan, and provides key findings and recommendations. The main focus of the study is on assessing how agencies and other stakeholders of the European Union and member states have supported policies aimed at promoting language learning and cultural diversity over the period 2004 to the present within the context of the Commission ...