
Dine resultater

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The problem definition appears to be well supported by evidence. The IA provides a sufficient and balanced description of the options, albeit sometimes lacking in detail. The assessment of the options' impacts (economic, social and environmental) is qualitative and quantitative. It appears to be based on sound research and analysis. However, assumptions, estimates of costs and limitations of data could have been explained more clearly and in more detail. The IA provides a summary of the costs and ...

The problem definition appears to be well supported by evidence. The impact assessment provides a sufficient range and description of the options. However, the five options are cumulative; it is questionable whether they fully qualify as alternative options under the Better Regulation Guidelines. The assessment of the options' impacts (economic, social, environmental, fundamental rights) is qualitative and quantitative. It appears to be based on sound research and analysis, with clear acknowledgement ...

The coronavirus pandemic has rekindled the global debate on whether the multilateral trade regime for intellectual property rights (IPR) protection limits access to essential medical products. Despite embedded flexibilities in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), India and South Africa, co-sponsored by a large number of developing countries, submitted an initial proposal for a temporary waiver in response to Covid-19 in October 2020, ...

This in-depth analysis, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, assesses the European Commission of (EC) Communication of 29 November 2017 on the EU approach to Standard Essential Patents. The report examines the principles identified in the Communication with respect to the Commission’s proposals on (i) increasing transparency on SEPs; (ii) determining valuation of SEPs( Standard Essential Patents ...

Den intellektuelle ejendomsret omfatter alle eksklusive rettigheder til intellektuelle frembringelser. Den omfatter to typer af rettigheder: industrielle ejendomsrettigheder, der indbefatter opfindelser (patenter), varemærker, industrielle design og modeller og oprindelsesbetegnelser, samt ophavsrettigheder, der dækker kunstneriske og litterære værker. Siden traktaten om Den Europæiske Unions funktionsmåde (TEUF) trådte i kraft i 2009, har EU haft eksplicit kompetence for så vidt angår intellektuelle ...

How blockchain technology could change our lives

Indgående analyse 20-02-2017

Blockchain technology is of increasing interest to citizens, businesses and legislators across the European Union. This report is aimed at providing a point of entry for those curious about blockchain technology, so as to stimulate interest and provoke discussion around its potential impact. A general introduction is followed by a closer look at eight areas in which blockchain has been described as having a substantial potential impact. For each of these, an explanation is given of how the technology ...

Digitalisation is transforming our societies – new types of business activity are emerging and consumer habits are rapidly evolving. The internet, broadband networks, mobile applications, IT services and hardware form the basis of the digital economy which has a dynamic that is fundamentally different to that of more traditional sectors: it strengthens cooperation, enables a higher volume of cross-border activity and is a major factor in increasing prosperity and growth overall. In this context, ...

Despite over a century of international harmonisation, copyright law remains essentially national law, even though some fundamental copyright norms are gradually converging. Today, copyright is regulated at international level mainly through the Bern Convention, the Universal Copyright Convention, and a series of other treaties administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization. At present, national copyright laws are grounded in a handful of universal rules and principles. Exclusive rights ...

Proceedings of the workshop on "Legal Aspects of Free and Open Source Software", held on 9 July 2013 in Brussels.