
Ihre Ergebnisse

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In dieser Studie werden die aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Daten, Wissenslücken und der Rechtsrahmen für das Wohlergehen von Fischen für die wichtigsten in der EU gezüchteten Arten vorgestellt. Zudem werden in dieser Studie für die Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments Prioritäten im Hinblick auf das Wohlergehen und politische Empfehlungen dargelegt, die für die Entscheidungsfindung der EU relevant sind. Das Wohlergehen von Fischen ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil einer nachhaltigen Fischzucht und ist ...

Im Mai 2022 veröffentlichte die Kommission eine neue Strategie zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen in den Gebieten in äußerster Randlage der EU, zur Förderung ihrer Entwicklung, ihrer nachhaltigen Erholung und ihres nachhaltigen Wachstums sowie zur Erschließung ihres Potenzials. Im Juni soll im Plenum über einen Initiativbericht über die Bewertung der Strategie der Kommission, der vom Ausschuss für regionale Entwicklung des Parlaments vorgelegt wurde, abgestimmt werden.

Governments seek to protect low-income households from the risk of poverty by regulating minimum wages and setting up support programmes that include both social insurance and social assistance transfers. At their centre are guaranteed minimum income schemes as last-resort income support. While minimum income schemes exist in all EU Member States, they are not always adequate; they do not reach all those in need, nor do they motivate people to return to the labour market. In many EU countries, the ...

Wage policy in the EU is a patchwork of different national traditions and legal frameworks. As a result, minimum wage levels diverge considerably, and leave many workers unprotected. While setting minimum wages is the competence of EU Member States, the EU has a supporting and complementary role. In October 2020, the European Commission proposed a directive seeking to improve the adequacy and increase the coverage of minimum wages, while also strengthening collective bargaining as the main instrument ...

Richtlinie über Mindestlöhne

Auf einen Blick 07-09-2022

Der Mindestlohnschutz kann durch Tarifverträge, gesetzlich festgelegte Mindestlöhne oder eine Kombination aus beiden sichergestellt werden. Die Kommission hat eine Richtlinie vorgeschlagen, mit der die Angemessenheit der gesetzlichen Mindestlöhne gefördert werden soll, um zur Schaffung angemessener Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen für Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer in der EU beizutragen. Damit hat die Kommission erstmals legislative Maßnahmen zum Mindestlohnschutz eingeleitet, bei denen es den ...

This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU transport workers and their working conditions, as well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis.

The EU fruit and vegetable sector is heavily dependent on a non-national labour force, either from other EU Member States or third countries. Germany, Italy, Spain, France and Poland, in particular, employ high numbers of migrant seasonal farm workers. While these numbers have been steadily increasing, they compensate only partly for the ongoing decline in national agricultural workforces. Migrant seasonal workers from the EU are entitled to fully equal treatment with nationals of the host country ...

Adequate minimum wages

Briefing 19-01-2021

This briefing finds that the European Commission's impact assessment (IA), which accompanies the directive proposal on adequate minimum wages, is based on sound data and presents a sufficiently broad range of policy options. It would have been useful if the measures concerning collective bargaining and adequacy of minimum wages had been explained more thoroughly in relation to the chosen legal basis. The problem description would have benefited of using more information from the extensive annexes ...

The New Leipzig Charter

Auf einen Blick 04-12-2020

Adopted during the 2007 German Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities helped establish the concept of integrated urban development at EU level and was influential in the development of EU initiatives such as the Urban Agenda. It has now been updated to link in with this new urban framework and take account of the fresh challenges facing cities, with the New Leipzig Charter adopted at the informal meeting of ministers responsible for urban and territorial ...

The Proposed Minimum Wage Directive

Auf einen Blick 24-11-2020

Following a two-stage consultation of social partners launched in February 2020, on 28 October, the European Commission published its proposal for a directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union.