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The assignment of a claim refers to a situation where a creditor (the assignor) transfers the right to claim a debt from the debtor to another person (the assignee) who then becomes a creditor vis-a-vis the debtor (replacing in this role the original creditor). This mechanism is used by companies to obtain liquidity and access credit. At the moment, there is no legal certainty as to which national law applies when determining who owns a claim after it has been assigned in a cross-border case. The ...

The 2007 Lugano Convention is an international treaty that regulates the free movement of court judgments in civil cases between the Member States of the EU, on one hand, and the three EFTA states (Switzerland, Norway and Iceland), on the other. The convention effectively extends the regime of quasi-automatic recognition and enforcement of judgments that was applicable between EU Member States at the time under the Brussels I Regulation (No 44/2001). Whereas the EU rules currently in force regulating ...

This study synthesises the main arguments behind the disagreement between the Parliament and the Council over the issue of whether the discharge procedure allows the Parliament to hold the Council to account concerning the management of its own administrative budget. It then examines the discharge procedure as an accountability mechanism and its impact on the EU legitimacy. It concludes that significant improvement is needed, regardless of which exit to the conflict is chosen. Four scenarios to break ...

Justizielle Zusammenarbeit in Zivilsachen

Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 01-04-2017

Der grenzüberschreitende freie Waren-, Dienstleistungs-, Kapital- und Personenverkehr nimmt beständig zu. In Zivilsachen mit grenzüberschreitendem Bezug baut die Europäische Union die justizielle Zusammenarbeit aus, sodass Brücken zwischen den verschiedenen Rechtssystemen geschlagen werden. Die Hauptziele dabei sind die Gewährleistung von Rechtssicherheit und der problemlose und effektive Zugang zu den Gerichten. Dazu muss leicht erkennbar sein, welches Gericht für welche Angelegenheit zuständig ...

Commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI committee, this study provides an analysis of the potential legal impact of the introduction of connected and autonomous vehicles on rules of private international law determining jurisdiction and applicable law in the EU Member States in the event of a cross-border traffic accident. Following a case-studies approach, it makes a number of recommendations to improve ...

Diese Studie wurde auf Antrag des JURI-Ausschusses von der Fachabteilung für Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments in Auftrag gegeben und überwacht. Die Rückgabe von bei vergangenen oder laufenden bewaffneten Konflikten geplünderter Kunst stellt für unsere Gesellschaften ein großes Problem dar. Die Einforderung der Rückgabe vor Gericht – oft in ausländischen Staaten – hat sich als schwierig erwiesen. Aus diesem Grund nehmen die betroffenen Parteien immer ...

EU jurisdiction rules applicable to civil and commercial cases have recently been recast. However, the EP's Committee on Legal Affairs suggests that further changes could be made in order to enhance employee protection.

Legislatures in some EU Member States (MS) have introduced special, simplified and accelerated tracks for small claims in legally uncomplicated cases. Those procedures vary both as regards the threshold and level of simplification. The Treaty of Amsterdam gave the EU powers to harmonise civil procedure. As part of that mandate, the EU has adopted a number of coordination instruments (regulating conflicts of jurisdiction and mutual recognition) and created two autonomous EU civil procedures, including ...

The newly adopted Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 is an ambitious instrument dealing exhaustively with every private international law aspects in regard to cross-border successions. The Regulation aims at harmonizing private international law rules so as to enable individuals to organize more efficiently and more rapidly their successions within the area of freedom, security and justice. The present paper addressed the main innovations, advantages and pitfalls of the new Regulation.