
Ihre Ergebnisse

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On 13 July 2016, as part of the reform of the common European asylum system and the long-term policy on better migration management, the European Commission presented a proposal to provide for a permanent framework with standard common procedures for resettlement across the EU, to complement current national and multilateral resettlement initiatives. Resettlement is a tool to help displaced persons in need of protection reach Europe safely and legally, and receive protection for as long as necessary ...

In September 2020, the European Commission proposed a new pact on asylum and migration, which includes a proposal for a regulation dealing with crisis and force majeure in the area of migration and asylum. The proposal aims to establish a mechanism for dealing with mass influxes and irregular arrivals of third-country nationals in a Member State. The proposed regulation sets out a solidarity mechanism procedure, allowing derogations from the Asylum and Migration Management Regulation (AMMR) as regards ...

In September 2020, the European Commission submitted a proposal on asylum and migration management, to replace the 2013 Dublin Regulation that determines the EU Member State responsible for examining asylum applications. While the proposal 'essentially preserves' the current criteria for determining this responsibility, it would also make changes and additions to the regulation, especially on solidarity and responsibility-sharing for asylum-seekers among Member States. The proposal comes after a ...

In 2021, Aleksandr Lukashenko's Belarusian regime began actively attracting migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and other countries, before encouraging and even forcing them to cross the borders into the European Union. This put pressure on the neighbouring countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, and was the Belarusian regime's response to EU sanctions imposed following the regime's rigging of elections in 2020 and violent repression of civil society in 2021. In December 2021, the European ...

The Conference on the Future of Europe was designed to give citizens a say about their vision for the EU, by means of a multilingual digital platform and citizens' panels. The panels are transnational forums, gathering citizens from the EU Member States to discuss their ideas for the future of the Union and make recommendations on how the EU could be improved. The resulting proposals are diverse and constructive. The suggestions for the future range from adjustments of legislation in force to complete ...

On 1 December 2021, the Commission proposed a Council decision on emergency measures to help Latvia, Lithuania and Poland face the complex migratory situation at their respective borders with Belarus. The measures provide for an extension of the registration period for asylum applications; the application of the border asylum procedure to process all asylum claims; reception conditions covering only basic needs; and simplified and quicker national return procedures for rejected asylum-seekers. The ...

The current crisis on the Poland–Belarus border and renewed attempts by migrants to cross the Channel from France to the United Kingdom have put a new spotlight on the dilemma of how the European Union should deal with refugees escaping repression and poverty in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, and some parts of Africa. In Belarus, authorities have allowed migrants to take flights into the country to purposely transfer them to their borders with the neighbouring EU Member States of ...

Auf der November-II-Plenartagung wird das Parlament voraussichtlich einen legislativen Initiativbericht des Ausschusses für bürgerliche Freiheiten, Justiz und Inneres (LIBE) über die Politik und das Recht im Bereich der legalen Migration erörtern. Der Bericht enthält zahlreiche Empfehlungen zur Änderung der geltenden Richtlinien, und die Europäische Kommission wird darin aufgefordert, einen Legislativvorschlag vorzulegen.

Die EU untersucht aktiv, wie KI-Technologien entwickelt und eingeführt werden können, um die Grenzkontrolle und Sicherheit zu verbessern. An den EU-Grenzen wird bereits eine Reihe von Anwendungen für biometrische Identifizierung, Emotionserkennung, Risikobewertung und Migrationsüberwachung eingesetzt oder getestet. KI-Technologien können für die Grenzkontrolle und Sicherheit bedeutende Vorteile bieten, u. a. höhere Effi¬zienz, bessere Betrugserkennung und bessere Risiko¬analyse. Durch diese leistungsfähigen ...

Als Teil des mehrjährigen Finanzrahmens (MFR) 2021–2027 hat die Kommission einen Vorschlag für eine neue Verordnung zur Einrichtung des Asyl- und Migrationsfonds (AMF) angenommen. Ziel des Vorschlags ist es, einen Beitrag zur effizienten Steuerung der Migrationsströme in der Europäischen Union zu leisten. Das Europäische Parlament wird voraussichtlich während der Plenartagung im Juli in zweiter Lesung über den im Rahmen der interinstitutionellen Verhandlungen vereinbarten Text abstimmen.