
Ihre Ergebnisse

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Manufacturing and trade in firearms for civilian purposes employs around 150 000 people in the EU. In 2020, the Commission adopted a 2020-2025 action plan on firearms trafficking to help curb the illegal flows of firearms, and ammunition, while also strengthening the legal market. The adoption of Directive (EU) 2021/555 on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons in 2021was the first legislative outcome of the plan. In October 2022, the Commission presented a proposal for a regulation ...

In einem am 17. November 2022 angenommenen Bericht nimmt der Ausschuss für bürgerliche Freiheiten des Europäischen Parlaments eine Bestandsaufnahme der Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung des Übereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen in der EU vor. Der Text wird bei der Dezember‑Plenartagung des Europäischen Parlaments erörtert und zur Abstimmung gestellt.

Adopted in 1989, the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was the first international instrument to explicitly recognise children as human beings with innate rights. Ratified by 197 countries, including all EU Member States, it has become the landmark treaty on children's rights, outlining universal standards for the care, treatment, survival, development, protection and participation of all children. The promotion and protection of children's rights is one of the key objectives ...

This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

Das Parlament wird seine Aufsichtsbefugnisse in der wiederaufgenommenen „Fragestunde“ während der Juli-Tagung nutzen, um die Kommission im Vorfeld der 15 Tagung der Konferenz der Vertragsparteien des Übereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen über die biologische Vielfalt (COP 15) zu den Zielen der EU zu befragen. Die Kommission hat am 22. Juni 2022 zwei zentrale Legislativvorschläge zur EU-Biodiversitätsstrategie für 2030 vorgelegt: ein EU-Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung der Natur und neue Vorschriften ...

More than two decades after the United Nations General Assembly adopted its Declaration on Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) to enhance recognition of their role and encourage states to create a more protective environment, many human rights defenders face an increasingly hostile environment, with both repressive governments and some non-state actors, such as economic interest or criminal groups, opposing their work and posing a serious threat. Support for human rights defenders is a long established ...

Adopted in 1992, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has gathered the nations of the world with the common goal to limit dangerous global warming. In December 2021, after having been postponed for a year due to the coronavirus crisis, world leaders will meet in Glasgow for the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP26) to continue negotiations on the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The latest assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ...

Based on Member States' reporting under the Birds and Habitats Directives, the backbone of European Union (EU) nature conservation policy, the latest assessment on the state of nature by the European Environment Agency shows that despite some encouraging developments, the overall picture remains bleak. Only 15 % of habitats and around 27 % of species protected under EU legislation have a good conservation status. An EU-wide assessment of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems found that, overall ...

The UN Convention against Corruption – the only legally binding international instrument for fighting corruption – was adopted by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in 2003. Although it has been ratified by the vast majority of the states in the world, serious implementation gaps persist to this day. The harmful impact of corruption on human rights and on the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been widely recognised. In this context, the UNGA is to hold its first special ...

Auf der Plenartagung im Mai soll das Parlament über den Bericht seines Umweltausschusses über einen Vorschlag abstimmen, mit dem sichergestellt werden soll, dass die EU ihren Verpflichtungen als Vertragspartei des Übereinkommens von Aarhus über den Zugang zu Informationen, die Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung an Entscheidungsverfahren und den Zugang zu Gerichten in Umweltangelegenheiten aus dem Jahr 1998 nachkommt.