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Die Berufsfreiheit und das Recht, einen reglementierten Beruf auszuüben gehört zu den Grundrechten der Europäischen Union. Berufe sind entweder auf Unionsebene oder auf der Ebene der Mitgliedstaaten reglementiert. Dabei müssen die EU-Grundsätze der Verhältnismäßigkeit und des Diskriminierungsverbots gewahrt werden. Das Parlament und der Rat haben im Rahmen der Trilogverhandlungen eine Einigung über den Vorschlag der Kommission in Bezug auf eine Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung vor Erlass neuer Berufsreglementierungen ...

A considerable body of law catering for information and consultation needs of workers at national and transnational level have been developed since 1994 on the basis of the Treaty. However, the fact that this I&C legislation does not apply to workers in public administration is increasingly seen as necessitating change. This note traces the attempts to-date to have the public administration included in European I&C legislation.

Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Cyprus. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future.

Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Spain. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future.

Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Belgium. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future.

Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Italy. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future.

Upon request by the LIBE committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Portugal. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future.

Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Greece. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future.

Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Ireland. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future.

Die Notwendigkeit, Gleichbehandlung in spezifischen Bereichen wie Staatsangehörigkeit und Geschlecht zu fördern, war im Aufbau Europas mit den Römischen Verträgen von Anfang an anerkannt. Dieser Schutz wurde über die Jahre immer weitreichender und immer mehr vertieft, insbesondere seit dem Vertrag von Amsterdam. Der Gerichtshof der EU war ein bedeutender Verteidiger der Bürgerrechte, während verschiedene Richtlinien angenommen wurden, um Gleichbehandlung in einer Reihe von Politikbereichen zu fördern ...