
Ihre Ergebnisse

Anzeige: 10 von 21 Ergebnissen

The Commission mobilised considerable time and resources to prepare this initiative, in an extensive 'back to back' (ex post evaluation and ex ante impact assessment) process that started in 2018 with the set-up of the Advisory Group on Vehicle Emission Standards. The IA draws on numerous external studies, stakeholder consultations, relevant data sources and approved modelling tools (SYBIL and COPERT). In spite of some weaknesses in the definition of the problems and objectives, the intervention ...

Die EU und Japan haben ein starkes Signal zugunsten des Freihandels und ihres gemeinsamen Engagements für die Grundwerte und Grundsätze gesetzt. Im Juli 2018 unterzeichneten sie das Wirtschaftspartnerschaftsabkommen zwischen der EU und Japan und das Abkommen über eine strategische Partnerschaft. Für den Abschluss dieser beiden Abkommen ist nun die Zustimmung des Europäischen Parlaments erforderlich.

The European Commission recently issued a legislative proposal to increase the general safety of vehicles. This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the impact assessment accompanying this proposal. The IA provides a thorough problem definition and presents measures to tackle it. However, the link between problem definition and the options could have been more straightforward and the analysis, including numerous simulations and quantifications based on four different ...

Im Jahr 2016 legte die Kommission – aufbauend auf der Arbeit der Vorjahre, aber vor allem als Reaktion auf den Fall Volkswagen (VW) – einen Vorschlag vor, um die Typgenehmigung und Marktüberwachung von Kraftfahrzeugen zu stärken. In den Verhandlungen mit dem Rat über eine Einigung in erster Lesung wurde ein Kompromiss erzielt, über den nun in der Plenartagung im April abgestimmt werden soll.

This in-depth analysis investigates the economic feasibility and cost of creating national road enforcement databases following the introduction of new smart tachographs (so-called “Generation 2” digital tachographs) into the EU road haulage market. Two scenarios are considered: the first includes building new databases capable of handling new smart tachograph data, and the second mainly relies on upgrading existing databases for this new usage (such as Tachonet, the European Register of Road Transport ...

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Odometer tampering is still a widespread malpractice in the European Union and it affects almost all second-hand car markets of its Member States. This study examines how improvement can be made by presenting the best practices implemented in some Member States and countries outside of the EU, while emphasising their success factors and results achieved. Furthermore, the study highlights the available technological developments and IT solutions to combat the phenomenon with a view to a potential ...

Around 17 500 cableway installations currently exist in western Europe and the Alps, representing 60% of the global total. European industry has generally held a dominant position in the global cableway installations market, with the ski industry remaining the primary market for cableway technology. The new regulation covering the European Economic Area is to replace Directive 2000/9/EC relating to cableway installations designed to carry persons. Its aim is to simplify the current rules, align them ...

Around 17 500 cableway installations currently exist in Western Europe and the Alps, representing 60% of the global total. European industry has generally held a dominant position in the global cableway installations market, with the ski industry remaining the primary market for cableway technology. The proposed regulation, covering the European Economic Area, is to replace Directive 2000/9/EC relating to cableway installations designed to carry persons. Its aim is to simplify the current rules, ...

Gewichte und Abmessungen von Lkw und Bussen

Auf einen Blick 02-03-2015

Schwere Lastkraftwagen und Busse, die auf den Straßen der Europäischen Union unterwegs sind, müssen gemäß der Richtlinie zur Festlegung der Abmessungen und Gewichte bestimmte Vorschriften in Bezug auf ihr Gewicht sowie auf ihre Höhe, Breite und Länge einhalten. Mit der Überarbeitung dieser Richtlinie sollen durch ökologischere und sicherere Lkw die Straßensicherheit, die Energieeffizienz und die Umweltfreundlichkeit verbessert werden.