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Accounting for 17 % of the global average per capita intake of animal protein, fisheries products support many people's livelihoods and make a significant contribution to food security. However, more than a third of world stocks are fished at biologically unsustainable levels. Economic losses from the depletion of fish stocks are estimated at US$83 billion. A reduction in fishing capacity and effort would help stocks recover, yet many governments of fishing countries continue to support the sector ...

At least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations (UN) will be missed in 2030 – SDG 2 – 'zero hunger' – also endangering the accomplishment of the rest of the SDG goals under Agenda 2030. Hunger and malnutrition are rising dramatically across the world, a trend aggravated by the pandemic. In 2020, 811 million people in the world were facing hunger, the highest level since 2014, and 3 billion people were without access to a healthy diet. The fight against hunger ...

EYE 2016 - Hunger games

Auf einen Blick 28-04-2016

Fighting hunger, poverty and disease in the world is far from a utopian game. How can we empower people to create their own sustainable future? Can we bring hunger down in a generation? What does it take to adequately feed the 9 billion people expected to live on our planet in 2050 without destroying the earth? This note has been prepared for the European Youth Event, taking place in Strasbourg in May 2016. Please click here for the full publication in PDF format

Food security is a multilayered concept, covering availability, access, use and stability. It is recognised as a global public good. To be free from hunger and malnutrition is also a human right. Following the 2007/2008 food crisis, the international community committed to investing more in agriculture and to better governance. The MDG target to halve the proportion of hungry people was nearly achieved, but 795 million people remain undernourished. The Sustainable Development Goals include an ambitious ...

The G8's recent New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (NAFSN) initiative is attracting more and more African states. Bringing together governments from both the North and the South, multi­national firms and international agencies, it aims to boost investment in African agriculture so as to increase food security. After its first year of implementation, NAFSN proponents praise its market-oriented reforms and investments in the six founding African countries. In contrast, both African and global ...

Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die EU ihre Möglichkeiten als globaler Akteur vollständig ausschöpfen kann, vor allem aber damit, wie sie in den multilateralen Organisationen und Foren wirkungsvoller zu agieren vermag. Der größte Hemmschuh für die EU sind die uneinheitlichen und widersprüchlichen Positionen, die gelegentlich von den Mitgliedstaaten in wichtigen internationalen Fragen eingenommen werden und die Union daran hindern, mit der gebotenen Zügigkeit und Entschlossenheit ...