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This publication provides an assessment of the implementation of the European agenda for culture and of the EU strategy on international cultural relations. It highlights achievements and shortcomings of EU cultural policies, so as to inform and support policy makers ahead of the adoption of the next Council work plan for culture and the potential future revision of the agenda and of the strategy.

Having considered the possibility of merging the Creative Europe programme with other programmes supporting European values, rights and justice, the European Commission has decided to continue the Creative Europe programme as a stand-alone programme, increasing its budget by 17 %. The only programme focusing exclusively on cultural and creative activities and enterprises, it falls under the 'Cohesion and values' heading of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework. The previous programme focused ...

Programm Kreatives Europa 2021-2027

Auf einen Blick 12-05-2021

Das Programm Kreatives Europa 2021–2027 ist die Fortsetzung des Programms Kreatives Europa, dem einzigen Programm der Europäischen Union, das unmittelbar auf kulturelle und audiovisuelle Aktivitäten ausgerichtet ist. Die Zuständigkeit der EU in diesem Bereich besteht darin, die Mitgliedstaaten bei der Bewältigung gemeinsamer Herausforderungen in diesen Bereichen zu unterstützen, die kulturelle und sprachliche Vielfalt zu achten und das kulturelle Erbe in der gesamten EU zu schützen. Die Finanzierung ...

This background analysis on the situation of artists and cultural workers and the post-COVID-19 cultural recovery in the European Union is prepared for the European Parliament. It provides an overview of key characteristics of artists' and cultural workers’ status across Europe, their working conditions, precariousness and career paths. It outlines the justification for specific policy solutions and provides a mapping of key challenges for a European framework for working conditions in the cultural ...

In this introductory in-depth analysis, we report six key findings on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the cultural and creative sectors (CCS). Finding 1: AI challenges the creative value-chain in two ways: shifting services performed by humans to algorithms and empowering the individual creator. Finding 2: AI-generated content challenges authorship, ownership and copyright infringement. New exclusive rights on datasets must be designed in order to better incentivise innovation and research ...

Statistical data confirm the continued rise in the contribution of culture and art to the economy and employment in the EU and worldwide. An analysis of labour market data for culture and arts professionals provides an insight into the nature of the employment and livelihood which the sector provides. However, it points to frequent incidence of short-term contracts, part-time jobs and seasonal employment, two or more parallel jobs for people with university diplomas, and this employment situation ...

Die Europäische Union (EU) ist seit 1992 bestrebt, durch ihre Industriepolitik günstige Bedingungen für die Wachstumssteigerung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Industrie zu schaffen. Nach wie vor bildet die Industrie einen Eckpfeiler der europäischen Wirtschaft, stellt jeden fünften Arbeitsplatz und zeichnet für den Großteil der EU-Ausfuhren und Investitionen in Forschung und Innovation verantwortlich. Inzwischen lautet das Ziel der EU-Politik, einen erfolgreichen Übergang zu einer digitalen, wissensbasierten ...

The study provides an up-to-date evaluation of the implementation of the selected smaller and bigger actions within the Creative Europe programme (2014 to 2020) with focus on the European dimension and European added value of the undertaken actions as well as their visibility.

Mobility is a social and economic condition of artists and culture professionals and, at the same time, a vector of social and economic development. However, mobility in the cultural and creative sectors is faced with a number of issues that need to be addressed at EU and national levels. The paper provides recommendations for a EU-wide mobility framework which entails both a dedicated mobility scheme and an improved regulatory environment that would facilitate mobility in Europe.

Kreatives Europa ist ein einzigartiges Programm in Europa, das auf die Bedürfnisse der Kultur- und Kreativbranche zugeschnitten ist. Es ist das zentrale Programm für die Verwirklichung der kulturpolitischen Ziele der EU. Zwar wurden für das Programm die richtigen Prioritäten festgelegt, jedoch steht seine bescheidene Mittelausstattung wesentlichen Auswirkungen im Wege. In dem Bericht werden Empfehlungen für ein ambitionierteres künftiges Programm ausgesprochen, das dem Reichtum der kulturellen Vielfalt ...