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The Roma are Europe's largest ethnic minority. Out of an estimated total of 10 to 12 million Roma in Europe as a whole, some 6 million live in the European Union (EU) and most of them are citizens of an EU Member State. A significant number of Roma people live in very poor socio-economic conditions. The social exclusion, discrimination and segregation they face are mutually reinforcing. Their restricted access to education and difficulties entering the labour market result in low income and poor ...

In dieser von der Fachabteilung Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments auf Ersuchen des PETI-Ausschusses in Auftrag gegebenen Studie werden die Auswirkungen der anhaltenden Lebenshaltungskostenkrise und Energiekrise auf den Lebensstandard von Menschen mit Behinderungen analysiert. Gestützt auf die verfügbaren Daten bietet sie einen Überblick über Rechtsvorschriften, politische Maßnahmen und Programme, mit denen Menschen mit Behinderungen und ihre Familien auf ...

At more than one in five, the number of children at risk of poverty in the European Union (EU) remains high. This year's 30th anniversary of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty presents an opportunity to take stock of what the EU is doing to fight child poverty. Even though legal competence for child policy remains primarily with the Member States, the fight against child poverty is a major EU priority. The European Pillar of Social Rights now reflects the EU's increasing willingness ...

This At a glance note sumarises the study that explores social challenges and policy responses in EU cities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It demonstrates that the pandemic has placed additional pressures on vulnerable groups and the institutions that work to support them. It finds that the local policy capacity to respond to the crisis has differed across cities and multi-level governance settings. Participatory and integrated policy efforts have often failed to meet the expectations of ...

The study pursues two main aims. Firstly, it addresses the issue of poverty and social exclusion from a theoretical perspective – assessing the relevant concepts – and an empirical perspective – discussing the limitations of different indicators and data with reference to EU countries. Secondly, it focuses on national and EU-level policies dealing with poverty and social exclusion, in particular, on minimum income schemes, presenting 6 country case studies and evaluating the feasibility of an EU ...

The study pursues two main aims. Firstly, it addresses the issue of poverty and social exclusion from a theoretical perspective – assessing the relevant concepts – and an empirical perspective – discussing the limitations of different indicators and data with reference to EU countries. Secondly, it focuses on national and EU-level policies dealing with poverty and social exclusion, in particular, on minimum income schemes, presenting 6 country case studies and evaluating the feasibility of an EU ...

Die demografische Lage in der EU-27 hat große Auswirkungen auf verschiedene Bereiche, vom Arbeitsmarkt bis hin zur Gesundheitsversorgung und den Altersversorgungssystemen oder der Bildung. Die jüngsten Entwicklungen verstärken die bereits bestehenden demografischen Trends: eine stark alternde Bevölkerung infolge geringerer Fruchtbarkeitsziffern und eine längere Lebenserwartung in Verbindung mit einer abnehmenden Bevölkerung im erwerbsfähigen Alter. Forschungsarbeiten zufolge hat die COVID-19-Pandemie ...

This briefing is preceding a broader study on “Fighting poverty and social exclusion (incl. minimum income schemes)” requested by the EMPL committee in view of a possible Union framework on minimum income protection. The briefing provides an institutional perspective on minimum income schemes (MIS) in Member States and their different roles and scope within national social protection systems. It also further examines the EU monitoring framework and points to shortcomings and gaps on the roadway to ...

Climate change health impacts are experienced through direct and indirect pathways. These can take the form of an increase in the frequency and/or severity of extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, floods, and storms which directly may impact health, resulting in heat-related mortality and morbidity, injury and trauma. Indirectly, climate change may impact health through loss of livelihoods, land and property and through interaction with environmental systems. This document was provided ...