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Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 01-09-2017

Die Europäische Union ist der viertgrößte Handelspartner der Länder aus dem pazifischen Raum, wenngleich das Handelsvolumen sowohl in absoluten als auch relativen Zahlen gering ist. Die EU bereitet derzeit Verhandlungen über Freihandelsabkommen mit Australien und Neuseeland vor, die beide wichtige Handelspartner sind, und pflegt eine Partnerschaft mit den 15 unabhängigen pazifischen Inselstaaten, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Entwicklung, Fischerei und dem Problem des Klimawandels liegt, sowie Partnerschaften ...

Since 1980, the EU has set up a network of bilateral fisheries agreements, providing fishing opportunities for the EU fleet in the waters of third countries. These agreements were concluded with countries in West Africa (1980-1998), in the western Indian Ocean (1984-1989), and in the western-central Pacific (2003-2007). Over the past few years, the European Commission has considered the possibility of expanding EU fleet access to new partner countries’ waters in the three regions. These fishing opportunities ...

Terrorism continues to present one of the main challenges to international stability. Despite political agreement that terrorist threat needs to be addressed jointly by the whole international community, a number of obstacles persist, including disagreements over the definition of terrorism. This latter poses a significant impediment for research on terrorism and only a few institutions have undertaken this difficult task. According to the existing data, the number of terrorist attacks in 2014 was ...

Development in the Pacific region is uneven, multi-layered and challenging. The European Union’s development cooperation with the Pacific is significant; in fact the EU is the second largest donor of development assistance to the region. This study, implemented by the European Consortium for Pacific Studies, analyses the current and future contexts for European Union engagement in development cooperation with the Pacific, and proposes elements of a renewed EU development strategy for the region. ...