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World AIDS Day 2023: 1 December

Auf einen Blick 29-11-2023

World AIDS Day, proclaimed by the United Nations in 1988, takes place each year on 1 December. The aim is to raise awareness, fight prejudice, encourage progress in prevention, and improve treatment around the world. Although infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is preventable, significant HIV transmission remains a challenge to EU Member States' health systems. This year's theme 'Let communities lead!' underlines the importance of communities living with, at risk of, or affected ...

Adopted in 2015 by the United Nations (UN), the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – 'the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all' – clearly links 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to a series of targets to be reached by 2030. The 2030 Agenda includes a detailed mechanism for monitoring progress towards these targets. At its core are a number of quantified indicators for each target, which are regularly revised by the UN and other international agencies. These ...

Sovereign states, as the primary subjects of public international law, voluntarily enter into treaties (international agreements) creating international organisations, as the secondary subjects of public international law. According to a long-standing and well-established principle of public international law, known by the Latin maxim of pacta sunt servanda, states are obliged to abide by the agreements to which they commit. This principle is enshrined in Article 26 of the Vienna Convention on the ...

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established in 2015 as a compass for global action under the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are 17 goals on a variety of topics, with SDG7 dedicated to energy. The annual UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) will discuss progress on the goals on 10 19 July 2023, with energy as one of the five goals chosen this year for an in-depth review. The European Union has taken steps to link the SDGs with its policymaking. The von ...

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be attained by 2030. Unlike their antecedents, the SDGs commit both developed and developing countries, and embrace the economic, environmental and social aspects of development. The SDGs and the broader 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, of which they form the core, are based on findings that human activities have triggered dramatic changes in the conditions on Earth (climate change and biodiversity loss), which ...

Midway of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the High-Level Political Forum 2023 marks a pivotal point in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The impact of the multiple crises of the past years, as well as the interlinkages and synergies of the SDGs present both challenges and opportunities for a systemic approach towards our common objectives. For the global community not to lose the progress in this global decade of action, there is a need for the EU to take the ...

Cannabis is by far the most commonly used illicit drug (referred to as drug in this briefing) in the European Union (EU), where its distribution, cultivation, possession and use (consumption) are largely prohibited. The prohibition of drug-related activities other than those performed for medical or scientific purposes is the defining feature of the international drug control system. Set up by the United Nations (UN), this system is composed of three complementary conventions, to which all EU Member ...

Die im Jahr 2004 angenommenen und im Jahr 2008 überarbeiteten Leitlinien der Europäischen Union zum Schutz von Menschenrechtsverteidigern bilden einen Rahmen und Instrumente zum Schutz von Menschenrechtsaktivisten in Drittländern. Während der März-I-Plenartagung werden die Mitglieder die Umsetzung der Leitlinien auf der Grundlage eines Initiativberichts mit Bewertung des Ausschusses für auswärtige Angelegenheiten des Parlaments erörtern. Im weiteren Verlauf der Tagung werden der Rat und die Kommission ...

The European Union (EU) has a strong leadership role, globally and regionally, in implementing the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development but as a matter of urgency its ambitions now need to be translated into strategies and actions. Major global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and climate change, have all effectively reversed progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and further exacerbated interrelated challenges relating to poverty, inequality, carbon ...

After examining the innovative character of the proposed tribunal, the paper analyses three main interconnected elements linked to the establishment and functioning of the tribunal: the legal basis for its creation; problems of immunity; and questions of enforcement and implementation of its decisions. In the end, taking into account legitimacy considerations which are of crucial importance in this case, the authors evoke two possibilities. A first option would be to ground the tribunal’s creation ...