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Every time a ship calls at a port, its maritime transport operator has to submit a set of pre-arrival information to a range of entities and agencies. Currently, the reporting process is not harmonised across EU ports. In addition, the information provided by ships is not efficiently shared among the actors concerned. The resulting multiple reporting places an excessive administrative burden on shipping operators, with negative impacts rippling down the logistics chain. Within broader efforts to ...

This briefing analyses the impact assessment accompanying the legislative proposal of the Commission to establish the European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe). The goal of the EMSWe is to decrease and harmonise throughout the EU, the reporting formalities and obligations of the maritime operators when calling at ports in the EU. The IA provides the overview of the main problems of the existing legislation and the policy options considered by the Commission to deal with them. Despite some ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) (consisting of part 1 and part 2), accompanying the above-mentioned proposal, submitted on 16 January 2018 and referred to Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism. Ship-generated waste, such as oily waste, sewage and garbage, poses a significant threat to the marine environment (IA part 1, p.3). The current legal framework laying down the rules applicable to ship-generated ...

Integrierte Meerespolitik

Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 01-09-2017

Die integrierte Meerespolitik ist ein ganzheitliches Konzept für alle meeresbezogenen Politikbereiche der Europäischen Union. Sie basiert auf dem Gedanken, dass die Union von den Meeren und Ozeanen stärker profitiert und die Umwelt geringer belastet wird, wenn sie ihre Politikbereiche koordiniert. Die integrierte Meerespolitik umfasst so unterschiedliche Bereiche wie Fischerei und Aquakultur, Schifffahrt und Seehäfen, Meeresumwelt, Meeresforschung, Offshore-Energiewirtschaft, Schiffbau und meeresbezogene ...

Seeverkehr: Ein strategischer Ansatz

Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 01-06-2017

Die EU-Bestimmungen zum Seeverkehr beziehen sich hauptsächlich auf die Anwendung des Grundsatzes der Dienstleistungsfreiheit und die ordnungsgemäße Anwendung von Wettbewerbsregeln bei gleichzeitiger Sicherstellung eines hohen Sicherheitsniveaus, guter Arbeitsbedingungen und sinnvoller Umweltstandards.

Serving as access points to Europe, the European Union's approximately 1 200 seaports are crucial both for its transport sector and its competitiveness. They also have significant potential for creating jobs and attracting investors. The European Commission plans to redress the huge disparities in performance levels by modernising the port services offered by the EU’s 329 main seaports. The reform is aimed at eliminating unfair competition, guaranteeing a level playing field and improving the ...

Zugang zum Markt für Hafendienste

Auf einen Blick 01-03-2016

In einem dritten Anlauf, die Hafendienste der Europäischen Union zu liberalisieren, schlug die Kommission 2013 eine Verordnung vor, mit der unlauterer Wettbewerb beseitigt und die kommerzielle Effizienz der größten Seehäfen der EU verbessert werden soll. Der Vorschlag, mit dem der Zugang zum Markt für Hafendienste reguliert und eine gemeinsame Regelung für die Transparenz der Finanzierung von Häfen mit öffentlichen Mitteln und für die Nutzungsgebühren eingeführt werden soll, lässt die Sozial- und ...

Serving as access points to Europe, the European Union's approximately 1 200 seaports are crucial both for its transport sector and its competitiveness. They also have significant potential for creating jobs and attracting investors. The European Commission plans to redress the huge disparities in performance levels by modernising the port services offered by the EU’s 329 main seaports. The reform is aimed at eliminating unfair competition, guaranteeing a level playing field and improving the commercial ...

Serving as access points to Europe, the European Union's approximately 1 200 seaports are crucial both for its transport sector and its competitiveness. They also have significant potential for creating jobs and attracting investors. The European Commission plans to redress the huge disparities in performance levels by modernising the port services offered by the EU’s 329 main seaports. The reform is aimed at eliminating unfair competition, guaranteeing a level playing field and improving the ...

Maritime safety remains high on the political agenda for the European Union, being the driving force behind the adoption of the three Maritime Safety Packages and including it as one of the main themes of the Parliament's recommendations for the EU’s maritime transport policy until 2018.This study provides an analysis of the effectiveness of the measures included in the Third Maritime Safety Package. It illustrates (through simplified intervention logic tables), the extent to which the anticipated ...