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The European education area (EEA) is set to become a common space for quality inclusive education and lifelong learning across borders for all EU citizens. The work towards completing the EEA by 2025 has given fresh impetus to education and training policy at EU level. A midterm review of the EEA's implementation, based on the findings of the European Commission's 2022 progress report, is currently underway. In this context, the Commission and the Parliament are hosting a joint event on 10 October ...

Das vorliegende Dokument ist die Zusammenfassung der Studie mit dem Titel „The European Universities Initiative: first lessons, main challenges and perspectives“ (Die Initiative „Europäische Hochschulen“: erste Erkenntnisse, wichtigste Herausforderungen und Aussichten). Die vollständige Studie ist in englischer Sprache unter folgendem Link abrufbar:

In September 2020, the Commission published a communication on achieving the European Education Area by 2025 with an ambitious strategy revolving around six key dimensions (European Commission, 2020a). In February 2021, in its resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030), the Council welcome the Commission’s proposal (Council of the European Union, 2021). It set out a series of ‘strategic priorities ...

Education and the New European Bauhaus

Auf einen Blick 05-03-2021

The New European Bauhaus initiative is a vast cooperation project combining sustainability with wellbeing. Inspired by a design movement that was the offshoot of an educational project, the Commission's initiative is intended to address contemporary and future ecological, economic and societal concerns. Education and lifelong learning are central to equipping current and future citizens with a deep understanding of the issues, critical thinking and skills necessary to bring about change.

This study analyses the policy developments since the Commission’s 2011 agenda for the modernisation of Europe’s higher education systems and assess the developments against the aims of the agenda. Second, it summarises most important achievements, shortcomings and challenges, to assess the effectiveness of the policy measures taken to reach the objectives set out in the 2011 agenda. Third, it assesses the renewed EU agenda in the light of these achievements, shortcomings and challenges and its renewed ...

EU-Russia cooperation on higher education

Auf einen Blick 21-09-2017

EU funding from the Erasmus+ programme supports cooperation between EU and Russian universities, which remains close despite current tensions. Russia is still the largest non-EU partner in the programme and some activities (such as student and staff exchanges) have actually increased since 2014.

Russia's education system

Auf einen Blick 25-01-2017

Russia's education system has undergone many reforms since Soviet times, but still retains a significant number of traditional features. Comparative tests such as PISA show that, in schools, students do well by international standards and that their skills are improving. On the other hand, there is a serious lack of quality in the country's universities.

The digital revolution is transforming our work, our organisations and our routines. It is transforming the way children and young people play, access information, communicate with each other and learn. But, so far, this revolution has not transformed most schools or most teaching and learning process in classrooms. There is no doubt that education has an important role to play in increasing the European competitiveness and reducing unemployment, but what can policy makers do to take full advantage ...

This document, provided by Policy Department A to the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, gives an overview of the current labour market situation in Denmark with a focus on youth unemployment and related policy measures. It furthermore presents data on future skills mismatch and the various Danish reforms to tackle the challenge of a rising demand for highly skilled workers. Finally it discusses some policy lessons that can be drawn from the Danish experience.

This briefing prepared by Policy Department A for the Employment and Social Affairs Committe provides an overview of career guidance / lifelong guidance in European policies. After a summary of dedicated concepts and evidence from research, it analyses guidance related aspects in key policy documents of the Council and the European Parliament. The paper describes European lifelong guidance policies and structured European cooperation including findings from a recent survey.