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The data act

Briefing 15-05-2023

On 23 February 2022, the European Commission unveiled a proposal for an EU regulation – the data act – laying down harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data. The aim is to remove barriers to consumers and businesses' access to data, in a context in which the volume of data generated by humans and machines is increasing exponentially and becoming a critical factor for innovation by businesses (e.g. algorithm training) and by public authorities (e.g. shaping of smart cities). The proposed ...

Network cost contribution debate

Auf einen Blick 03-04-2023

With the current pace of technological innovation, it is clear that the volume of data being exchanged is larger than ever and will only continue growing. The EU's ambitious connectivity targets are pushing policymakers to take a more forward-thinking approach to the telecoms sector. One question EU decision-makers must answer is whether the main digital players, who generate huge volumes of traffic and revenue using the EU's telecoms infrastructure, should contribute to the cost of network roll-out ...

One of the 16 key elements of the Commission’s digital single market strategy, presented in 2015, was a legislative proposal to facilitate the free flow of non-personal data. The mid-term review of the digital single market in 2017 identified the data economy as one of the top three priority areas in the second half of the strategy’s implementation. It found the European data economy could grow 18-fold, given favourable policy and legislative conditions, representing 4 % of EU GDP by 2020. On 13 ...

In order to avoid conflict with the freedom to conduct a business and the freedom of contract the wording of article 4(1) should be amended and be addressed to the Member States; • The proposal underplays that information security has a legal dimension to it, notoriously so because member states’ national security activities operate outside the scope of EU law; • The principle aversion against locality that emanates from the proposal may not be fully aligned with state-of-the-art technology where ...

Data is not static in a personal/non-personal classification – with modern analytic methods, certain non-personal data can help to generate personal data – so the distinction may become blurred. Thus, de-anonymisation techniques with advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and manipulation of large datasets will become a major issue. In some new applications, such as smart cities and connected cars, the enormous volumes of data gathered may be used for personal information as well as for non-personal ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above Commission proposal (the proposal), submitted on 13 September 2017 and referred to Parliament's Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO). The creation of a connected digital single market is one of the ten priorities identified by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in his political guidelines for the Commission at the start ...

Die Unionsgewässer gehören zu den sichersten der Welt; in einem Notfall müssen die Such- und Rettungsdienste jedoch sofort wissen, wie viele Personen vermisst werden. Zu diesem Zweck hat die Kommission vorgeschlagen, die Registrierung der an Bord von Fahrgastschiffen im Verkehr nach oder von einem Hafen in der EU befindlichen Personen zu digitalisieren. Der Vorschlag ist Teil einer umfassenderen Überarbeitung der EU-Rechtsvorschriften zur Sicherheit an Bord von Fahrgastschiffen, mit der die bestehenden ...

Cloud Computing ist ein Konzept, um Dienstleistungen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) über das Internet zur Verfügung zu stellen. Durch niedrigere Kosten, den globalen Zugang zu Daten und Anwendungen, die Flexibilität bei der Bereitstellung und die Möglichkeit der Innovation ohne größere Kapital¬aufwände können sich Vorteile für Unter¬nehmen, öffentliche Stellen und Einzelpersonen erge¬ben. Das Cloud Computing hat möglicherweise auch positive Auswirkungen auf den Energieverbrauch ...

Über den Kompromisstext für den lange diskutierten Vorschlag für eine EU-Richtlinie über Fluggastdatensätze (PNR-Richtlinie) soll in der Plenartagung im April abgestimmt werden. Mit der Richtlinie sollen die Verarbeitung und der Austausch von Fluggastdatensätzen durch die Mitgliedstaaten bei der Bekämpfung von Terrorismus und schwerer Kriminalität geregelt und zugleich eine Reihe von Datenschutzgarantien geschaffen werden.

This report summarises the presentations and discussions of the workshop on data saves lives, held at the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday 19 November 2015. The aim of the workshop was to provide background information and advice regarding the proposed General Data Protection Regulation and the impact it may have on the use of personal health data in cancer research. During the first part of the workshop the policy context and state of play of the proposed new Regulation were presented ...