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This study examines how contemporary welfare state policies address the issues of inequality and poverty both between and within EU Member States. It combines quantitative and qualitative analysis to show the strong links between inequality and poverty, not only in statistical terms, but also in terms of wealth distribution, intergenerational mobility and labour market dynamics. Welfare states are discussed in a multidimensional way, covering traditional welfare state policies on social protection ...

Gegenstand dieser Studie sind die Ruhegehaltsansprüche der Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments (MdEP) vor und nach dem Inkrafttreten des Abgeordnetenstatuts im Jahr 2009. Ziele dieser Studie: •Bereitstellung von Daten zur Altersversorgung der MdEP für den Haushaltskontrollausschuss(CONT); •Analyse der nationalen Altersversorgungssysteme, die den MdEP zu bestimmten Zeitpunkten,nämlich in den Jahren 1990, 1995, 2004, 2007, 2009, in allen (damaligen) Mitgliedstaaten zurVerfügung standen, um ein ...

Wenngleich das Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen in der Europäischen Union (EU) in erster Linie Aufgabe der einzelnen EU-Mitgliedstaaten ist, ergänzt die EU deren Politik, insbesondere in Bereichen mit einer grenzüberschreitenden Dimension. In einer kürzlich im Auftrag des Europäischen Parlaments durchgeführten Umfrage haben sich über zwei Drittel der Bürgerinnen und Bürger der EU für einen Ausbau der Maßnahmen der EU im Bereich Gesundheit und Soziales ausgesprochen. Die EU-Gesundheitspolitik hat die ...

Highlights of the April II plenary session (the last of the current legislature) included debates on the conclusions of the April 2019 European Council meeting on the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union, and the final debate in the series on the future of Europe with the Prime Minister of Latvia, Kisjanis Karins. Important debates also took place on the rule of law in Romania; failure to adopt an EU digital services tax; protecting the European elections against international cybersecurity ...

Rund 14 Millionen EU-Bürger leben außerhalb ihres Heimatlandes. Die für sie geltenden Systeme der sozialen Sicherheit werden von den jeweiligen Mitgliedstaaten festgelegt. Die Kommission hat vorgeschlagen, die derzeitigen Verordnungen über die Koordinierung der Systeme der sozialen Sicherheit anzupassen. Zwischen dem Ratsvorsitz und dem Europäischen Parlament wurde eine vorläufige Einigung erzielt, die jedoch in der Sitzung des AStV vom 29. März 2019 abgelehnt wurde. Das Parlament wird das Dossier ...

Globalisation, technological change, an aging population and changes to the world of work have made securing social protection for all, i.e. economic and social security, a major challenge. When social protection systems work well, they can have a stabilising effect on the economy and promote socio-economic equality and stability. By contrast, inadequate or ineffective systems can exacerbate inequality. Indeed, improving the existing social protection systems is the priority of half of the principles ...

This paper describing and analysing recent developments in employment and social policies in Austria was compiled in response to the request by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) in view of its delegation visit to Austria in early May 2018.

This briefing discusses the Commission proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a European Labour Authority with a focus on social security coordination, posted workers and planned changes in the governance framework. It has been prepared by the Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policies at the request of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.Together with other briefings it contributes to a Committee workshop dedicated to the European ...

This paper describing and analysing recent developments in employment and social policies in the Czech Republic was compiled in response to the request by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) in view of its delegation visit to Austria in early May 2018.

This note, prepared by Policy Department A for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, summarises the background on the phenomenon of platform work, and introduces the focus and the key findings of the recent study "The Social Protection of Workers in the Platform Economy". It then lists the key recommendations of the study to give the interested audience a quick overview on the main findings of the study.