
Ihre Ergebnisse

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The ERA is a coordination system for national research infrastructures, and itself constitutes an infrastructure designed to create a single market for science. The main implementing instrument for the ERA is the European Union (EU) framework programme for research and innovation (R&I), currently Horizon 2020, alongside national roadmaps for implementing the common priorities. While the ERA offers a way to improve joint programming for research and innovation activities, interaction between research ...

Legal migration to the EU

Briefing 07-03-2019

Entering the EU as a non-European is not too difficult for people from stable countries. Those planning to visit one or more EU Member States can get in as a tourist, with or without a visa. If the intention is to live and work for a longer period, they can use the many possibilities offered by labour migration. Regular mobility schemes also include provisions for other categories such as students, researchers, au pairs and voluntary workers. People wishing to join a family member who is already ...

This report reflects on the role of European Parliament in promoting the use of independent expertise in the European legislative process. The European Parliament has a unique model of involving independent expertise of universities and think tanks in the European legislative process to guarantee that its decisions are based on the best available evidence. The EP-EUI roundtable discussed the general framework, best practices and the way forward for involving independent expertise in the European ...

• 2014 – 2020, EU funds for research and innovation near €120 billion. • €31 billion of EU funds are set aside for research into societal challenges (2014 – 2020) • A fully established European Research Area will generate annual gains of €16 billion.

The ERANET scheme

Auf einen Blick 21-10-2016

The ERANET scheme, developed in 2002, was the first instrument to support joint programming of national research activities. The scheme created networks of programme owners and programme managers from national or regional research funding institutions, to foster mutual knowledge and exchange of good practices. However, the instrument revealed existing national administrative and legal barriers that prevent the implementation of transnational joint programmes, and thus had a limited impact on the ...

Die Innovationspolitik der Europäischen Union hat ihre Wurzeln in der Entwicklung einer gemeinschaftlichen Forschungspolitik. Die Erkenntnis, dass Innovation ein komplexer Prozess ist, hat jedoch zur Einführung eines Policy-Mix für den Bereich Innovation geführt, der sowohl wichtige Politikbereiche (Forschungs-, Industrie-, Bildungs- und Regionalpolitik) als auch wichtige Rahmenbedingungen (Finanzierung, Besteuerung, Binnenmarkt und Wettbewerb, Rechtsetzung, Normierung, Rechte des geistigen Eigentums ...

Die Überalterung der Bevölkerung und ein Mangel an Fachkräften sowie die Konkurrenz mit anderen für Begabte und Hochqualifizierte attraktiven Zielen erfordern, dass die EU in diesem Bereich wirksamere Maßnahmen ergreift. Dies ist insofern besonders wichtig, als die geltenden EU Rechtsvorschriften als unzureichend für die Bewältigung dieses Problems bewertet wurden.

Research in the European Treaties

Briefing 16-03-2016

Whilst Community research activities were a key component of the Treaties establishing the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 and the European Atomic Energy Community in 1957, there were no provisions related to research policy in the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1958. In 1972, the European Commission proposed to define and implement a Community research policy; however, there was no legal basis for it in the EEC Treaty. That is why in the 1970s and early 1980s ...

Der „Europäische Forschungsraum“ (EFR) ist das politische Konzept im Mittelpunkt der gemeinsamen europäischen Forschungspolitik. Die Festlegung und Verabschiedung des EFR im Jahr 2000 war das Ergebnis eines langwierigen Prozesses, der im Jahr 1972 begann. Das von der Europäischen Kommission vorgeschlagene Konzept wurde vom Rat der Europäischen Union im Jahr 2008 neu gestaltet und seit 2012 durch die Beteiligung von Interessenträgern beeinflusst. Der Einsatz der Mitgliedstaaten liegt jetzt im Mittelpunkt ...

The European Union faces major structural and demographic challenges. To maintain its position as world-leading economy, the EU needs to attract more skilled labour. Students from third countries are an important source of skilled workers, while the EU has a shortage of the researchers and innovators desperately required if the Union is to meet its economic growth targets.