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The Construction Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, CPR) has applied fully since 1 July 2013. Its objective is to achieve the proper functioning of the internal market for construction products (such as waterproofing sheets, thermal insulation foams, chimneys and wood-based panels for permanent incorporation in construction works), by means of harmonised rules for their marketing in the EU. The CPR, which provides a common technical language to assess the performance of construction ...

Since its adoption, EU legislation on blood, tissues and cells has ensured an upward convergence in the quality and safety of these substances from donation to human application. Following an evaluation of the legislation, shortcomings have become apparent, primarily in light of scientific and technical developments in this area. Socio-demographic trends and new epidemiological risks have further consolidated the view that certain provisions of this legislation need to better reflect the current ...

On 1 February 2018, the European Commission published a proposal for a recast of the Directive on the quality of water intended for human consumption (the Drinking Water Directive). The proposal responded to the European Citizens' Initiative, Right2Water, and built on a fitness check which concluded that the 20-year old directive is fit for purpose, but needs updating. The main elements of the proposal consist of updating the water quality standards, introducing a risk-based approach to the monitoring ...


Auf einen Blick 10-12-2020

Während der Dezember-Plenartagung wird das Parlament eine gemeinsame Aussprache über die wasserrechtlichen Vorschriften abhalten und anschließend über die endgültige Verabschiedung der Verordnung zur Neufassung der Trinkwasserrichtlinie sowie über eine Entschließung zur Umsetzung der Wassergesetzgebung der EU abstimmen. Die Überarbeitung der Trinkwasserrichtlinie geht auf die erste erfolgreiche europäische Bürgerinitiative „Right2Water“ zurück.

In recent years, the concern that some branded products might be inferior in the Member States that have joined the European Union (EU) since 2004 has become ever more apparent. This concern has come to be known as the 'dual quality of products'. To address the issue, between 2018 and 2019, the European Commission's Joint Research Service (JRC) compared a set of branded food products sold under the same name and in the same or similar packaging across Member States – the first time a harmonised testing ...

Harmonised products represent 69 % of the overall value of industrial products in the internal market. However, a significant part of these products does not comply with harmonised EU rules. This has negative effects on the health and safety of consumers, and on fair competition between businesses. To remedy the situation, in 2017 the Commission proposed to strengthen market surveillance rules for non-food products harmonised by EU legislation. Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement ...

Überarbeitung der Trinkwasserrichtlinie

Auf einen Blick 17-10-2018

Im Februar 2018 hat die Kommission einen Vorschlag für eine Neufassung der Trinkwasserrichtlinie angenommen. Der Vorschlag beinhaltet eine Aktualisierung der Wasserqualitätsnormen und zielt darauf ab, den Zugang zu Trinkwasser für alle zu verbessern. Bei der Oktober-II-Plenartagung soll das Parlament über den Bericht des Ausschusses für Umweltfragen, öffentliche Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (ENVI) und über die Aufnahme interinstitutioneller (Trilog)Verhandlungen abstimmen.

An initial appraisal of the impact assessment suggests that methodological strengths outweigh the weaknesses in this overall convincing analysis. This impact assessment is underpinned by a substantial body of work and clearly shows expertise. Nonetheless, the impact assessment could have provided more information on the links with two pending legislative procedures. Its presentation could have further facilitated consideration of the choices made by the Commission.

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above proposal, submitted on 1 February 2018 and referred to the European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI).

Odometer tampering is still a widespread malpractice in the European Union and it affects almost all second-hand car markets of its Member States. This study examines how improvement can be made by presenting the best practices implemented in some Member States and countries outside of the EU, while emphasising their success factors and results achieved. Furthermore, the study highlights the available technological developments and IT solutions to combat the phenomenon with a view to a potential ...