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Gegenstand dieser Studie sind die Ruhegehaltsansprüche der Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments (MdEP) vor und nach dem Inkrafttreten des Abgeordnetenstatuts im Jahr 2009. Ziele dieser Studie: •Bereitstellung von Daten zur Altersversorgung der MdEP für den Haushaltskontrollausschuss(CONT); •Analyse der nationalen Altersversorgungssysteme, die den MdEP zu bestimmten Zeitpunkten,nämlich in den Jahren 1990, 1995, 2004, 2007, 2009, in allen (damaligen) Mitgliedstaaten zurVerfügung standen, um ein ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, focuses on the legal status of EU active and retired officials and other servants of British nationality in the context of the UK leaving the EU under Article 50 TEU. It examines the legal position of EU officials and other servants of British nationality with their rights and possible remedies. It further explores avenues towards solutions ...

One in four European Union (EU) citizens currently depend on their pension income. Younger citizens will one day benefit from pensions too. And they also have an immediate interest, as the taxes and social security contributions working age people pay help support current pensioners. However, pensions are one of the biggest public expenditure items in the EU and as the EU population ages due to lower birth rates and increasing longevity, pension systems have come under increasing pressure. Since ...

Given ageing demographics, Member States have taken action to reform their public pension systems to put them on a more sustainable footing for the future. The 2015 Ageing Report projects that, over the long term, there will be a reduction in public pension spending as a share of GDP in the majority of Member States, largely as a result of implemented pension reforms. The same report, however, notes that pension adequacy will also decline, on average. Against this backdrop, there have been calls ...

On 30 June 2015, Greece defaulted on an IMF loan. Due to lack of agreement between the Greek Government and the Eurogroup, the financial assistance programme from the European Financial Stability Facility expired on the same day. After tense negotiations during extraordinary summit meetings and the looming danger of Greece leaving the euro area, a preliminary agreement was finally reached on 13 July 2015. The heads of state or government of the euro area held an extraordinary Euro Summit meeting ...

Auf Wunsch des FEMM-Ausschusses werden in dieser Studie die jüngsten Veränderungen bei den Lebensbedingungen allein lebender älterer Frauen dargestellt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf die Auswirkungen der jüngsten Pensions- und Rentenreformen und der Strategien für aktives Altern gelegt wird. Die Studie basiert auf einer umfassenden Literaturrecherche, einer Analyse der auf europäischer Ebene verfügbaren Mikrodaten und Informationen sowie auf einer qualitativen Analyse bewährter Praktiken im Bereich aktives ...

Pension Schemes

Studie 14-08-2014

Large variations exist in the approach to pensions in EU member states. This Policy Department A study aims at providing the EMPL Committee with information about the risks and replacement rates of the different pension schemes. Vulnerable groups are less likely to contribute to individual plans or 'third-pillar' schemes, which complicates a shift in replacement rates from Pillars 1 (aimed at avoiding old age poverty) and 2 (occupational schemes) to Pillar 3. Pillars 1 and 2 should ensure pension ...

European Union pensions policy

Briefing 09-04-2014

Although Member States have the primary responsibility for designing their pension systems, major demographic changes along with strong economic shocks make the case for updating the European Union's role as regards pensions.The European Commission’s 2012 White Paper on pensions has been fundamental to this process. Describing how the European Union (EU) could best help Member States to provide pensions for an ageing population, it emphasises the need to address the objectives of adequacy, safety ...

This paper gives an overview of the economic situation in Slovenia.

An ageing population and the effects of the crisis have strained the sustainability of public pension schemes in the EU. To ensure an adequate income, many future retirees will rely on occupational pension schemes linked to employment relationships. Free movement of workers in the EU means that workers should preserve rights in occupational pensions when they move to another Member State. As well, EU-wide companies need efficient ways to provide pensions to workers in different Member States. The ...