
Ihre Ergebnisse

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'Auschwitz didn't appear from nowhere', remarked Marian Turski, Holocaust survivor and child prisoner in the Auschwitz death camp, in January 2020 at the solemn ceremony on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The former Auschwitz prisoner described the path from tiny hardships in everyday life and growing discrimination and persecution laws, to the genocide of Jews, the Holocaust. The consecutive stages of shrinking freedom can be summarised as 10 stages of genocide, in a process that could ...

Jiddisch ist eine Sprache, die einst von Jüdinnen und Juden in einem Gebiet gesprochen wurde, das sich vom Elsass bis zum Ural erstreckte, und von den lokalen Sprachen und Kulturen beeinflusst wurde und wiederum auf diese Einfluss ausübte. Sie war im 20. Jahrhundert der Auslöschung nahe, als sie die Mehrheit ihrer Sprecherinnen und Sprecher hauptsächlich – aber nicht nur – durch den Holocaust verlor. Jiddisch ist Teil der europäischen Volkskultur, es hat zu den Werken großer Schriftstellerinnen und ...

Schon zum Zeitpunkt der sogenannten Machtergreifung im Jahr 1933 hatten die Nazis eine klare Vorstellung davon, was als Kunst zu gelten habe und was nicht. Als Teil der Verfolgung der Juden beschlagnahmten die Nazis jüdisches Eigentum, verboten Juden, Kunstgalerien zu betreiben, drängten sie aus ihren Heimatländern ins Exil und schickten sie schließlich in Lager und in den Tod. Vor diesem Hintergrund konnten einige prominente Nazis ihre eigenen Kunstsammlungen aufbauen. Der Großteil der geraubten ...

Jewish communities in the European Union

Auf einen Blick 23-01-2020

The Jewish population in the EU has been diminishing in recent decades, and has witnessed an increase in acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish violence in recent years. In defence of its values, including respect for minorities, the EU undertakes and funds actions to counter anti-Semitism. This is a further updated version of an 'at a glance' note published in January 2019.

The Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and mass murder of Jews, whom the Nazi regime and its collaborators sought to annihilate along with other persecuted groups, such as Roma and Sinti. The expropriation, state-sponsored discrimination and persecution of the Jews by the Nazi regime began in 1933, followed by pogroms and their mass incarceration in concentration camps. Ultimately, this policy was extended to all Nazi-controlled European territories and countries during World ...

Supporting Holocaust survivors

Auf einen Blick 24-01-2019

Between 1933 and 1945, millions of Europeans suffered from Nazi crimes and the Holocaust. Today, the remaining survivors often live in difficult social conditions.

Jewish communities in the European Union

Auf einen Blick 22-09-2016

Europe’s Jewish population has been diminishing in recent decades, and a growing number of anti-Semitic acts and anti-Jewish violence have been occurring in recent years in the EU. In defence of its values, including respect for minorities, the EU undertakes and funds actions to counter anti-Semitism.

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was identified as a potential candidate for EU membership in 2003. In order to join the EU, BiH has to meet the EU's human-rights criteria, among others. To this end, the execution of the Sejdić-Finci judgment of the European Court of Human Rights is a key prerequisite as it promotes equal political rights for all BiH citizens. Its implementation would not mean automatic accession to the EU, but would be a significant step in that direction. Since the judgment's delivery ...