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Cybersecurity actors in the EU

Auf einen Blick 09-01-2024

Cyberattack numbers have surged in recent years, leading to the formation of entities at all levels to prevent attacks or mitigate the harm they may cause. An efficient EU-level response requires coordination and the timely exchange of information. Several bodies and networks have been set up to this end; this paper explains their respective roles.

This study examines the management of Contract Agents in seven decentralised Agencies of the European Union: ECHA, EEA, EIGE, ENISA, ESMA, Eurofound and Europol. It evaluates the evolution of Contract Agents as part of the workforce, and presents findings on processes related to personnel budgeting, recruitment and retention, salary and remuneration, and advancement prospects for contract staff. This document was prepared by the Policy Department at the request of the Committee on Budgetary Control ...

Der Cyberraum ist neben den herkömmlichen Domänen See, Land, Luft und Weltraum zur fünften Domäne der Kriegsführung geworden. Mit der Digitalisierung und der stärkeren technologischen Vernetzung der Gesellschaften nimmt die Gefährdung durch Cyberangriffe zu. Die Europäische Union (EU) setzt sich insbesondere seit 2017 mit einer Reihe von Initiativen und Vorschlägen sehr aktiv für die Stärkung der Cyberfähigkeiten und der einschlägigen Koordinierungsrahmen ein. Das Europäische Parlament wird auf der ...

On 13 September 2017, the Commission adopted a cybersecurity package with a series of initiatives to further improve EU cyber-resilience, deterrence and defence. A year later, the Commission presented a proposal for the creation of a European cybersecurity competence centre with a related network of national coordination centres. The initiative aims to improve and strengthen the EU's cybersecurity capacity, by stimulating the European technological and industrial cybersecurity ecosystem as well as ...

Cyber: How big is the threat?

Auf einen Blick 09-07-2019

The internet has transformed the world into a global village transcending physical borders and palpable distances. Often described as 'fog' or a 'globalised network of networks', cyberspace is extremely complex, accessible to everyone and difficult to pinpoint. While thanks to these characteristics cyberspace has opened countless social, economic and political opportunities, it has also become a source of disruption, conflict and geopolitical rivalries. The European Union has recognised that cyber-security ...

ENISA and a new cybersecurity act

Briefing 05-07-2019

In September 2017, the Commission adopted a cybersecurity package with new initiatives to further improve EU cyber-resilience, deterrence and defence. As part of these, the Commission tabled a legislative proposal to strengthen the EU Agency for Network Information Security (ENISA). Following the adoption of the Network Information Security Directive in 2016, ENISA is expected to play a broader role in the EU's cybersecurity landscape but is constrained by its current mandate and resources. The Commission ...

Die Kommission hat vorgeschlagen, der für Cybersicherheit zuständigen Agentur der Europäischen Union für Netz- und Informationssicherheit (ENISA) ein dauerhaftes Mandat und eine größere Rolle zu übertragen, um die Widerstands- und Reaktionsfähigkeit der EU gegen Cyberangriffe zu verbessern. Außerdem ist beabsichtigt, einen ersten EU-Rahmen für die Cybersicherheitszertifizierung von IKT-Produkten und -Diensten zu schaffen, wobei die ENISA eine wichtige Rolle spielen soll. Der Ausschuss für Industrie ...

The Commission describes logically the significance of cyberdefence and the potential for improvement in this field for the EU. However, the impact assessment accompanying the proposal does not appear to have fully followed the requirements of the better regulation guidelines particularly as no open public consultation was conducted. The impact assessment presents a limited range of options as a result of a number of parameters that were pre-set from the outset and which could have constrained the ...

The scope of the problem could have been defined in more precise terms. Furthermore, it remains unclear how the proposed options could help achieve one of the two general objectives of the initiative namely enabling or building an online European identity as the options (including the preferred one) are mostly concerned with the technical improvements of the regulatory framework. Stakeholder views do not appear to be fully reflected in the report and it is unclear how they fed into the IA. A more ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above proposal, which is the main part of the 'Cybersecurity package', submitted on 13 September 2017 and referred to Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). As announced in the State of the Union Address 2017 and the Commission's communication on Europe's Cyber Resilience System and Cybersecurity Industry, the initiative aims ...